
James K

Member In Memoriam
I just got the 2007 Gun Digest, and there are several pages on a concept (that is all it is) for a new gun design combining (you guessed it) the frame of an auto pistol and the cylinder of a revolver. The designer calls it the "Au-Ver" a combination of the words "AUtomatic" and "revolVER." Nicely colored pictures, but another non-solution to a non-problem.

The design is very complex. Apparently there are two "models" (i.e., concepts - apparently no models have actually been made outside a CAD program). One uses a spring which is wound up to turn the cylinder, the other a conventional hand. Cocking the SA hammer and other functioning comes from a short (1" or so) slide at the back, driven by a gas piston. There is no provision for reloading the cylinder in place. A fired cylinder is ejected, like a magazine, and replaced by another. Cylinders appear to be bulky, and both larger and heavier than magazines, while containing fewer rounds.

Off hand, I can't imagine anyone actually putting real money into producing such a monstrosity, but then the Dardick gun made it to limited production. My opinion is that the designer needs to get a real job.

The big mystery to me is why the editors of Gun Digest thought the idea was worth a significant chunk of the book. Or maybe they figured it would start discussion and sell books. In that, they have likely succeeded, as this post shows.

No, it is not a Mateba and it is not a Webley-Fosbery. It is really different, and doesn't seem to offer any advantages at all over conventional handguns.

I can't describe it adequately, and photographing the pictures would be a copyright violation. If you are interested, buy the book; it is always worthwhile to have the latest GD.

I meant to ask if it was similar in concept to the Mateba. Then I went and looked at pictures of the Mateba and realised that it does not have the short section of slide at the back. I'll have to go find a copy of the book, just to satisfy my curiosity.
"'s already been done..." Several times. One of the Russian Nagant revolvers was a 'semi-auto' too. Late 19th Century, as I recall.
"...sell books..." It's like satellite tv. Lots of space to fill.