This tidbit from Jews for the Protection of Firearms Ownership is worthy food for thought for parents who send their kids to Government controlled schools. "Our" Government is practicing socialist indoctrination via the public school system, and We The People are paying for it!!
The Government doctrine of "submit, conform, obey" that our childern are being fed on a daily basis must be countered at home if our freedoms are to survive.
August 18, 2005
Summer has nearly slipped past and many of our children are heading back to school. If you're like us, you worry about the kind of messages your kids might be getting in their classrooms:
The government will provide for everyone.
Guns are evil.
"Security" and surveillance are for your own good.
Every bad feeling is a mental illness.
The world is so dangerous that you must give up your individual rights in order to preserve "freedom."
What we need is not "seperation of church and state;" what we need is SEPERATION OF SCHOOL AND STATE.
The Government doctrine of "submit, conform, obey" that our childern are being fed on a daily basis must be countered at home if our freedoms are to survive.
August 18, 2005
Summer has nearly slipped past and many of our children are heading back to school. If you're like us, you worry about the kind of messages your kids might be getting in their classrooms:
The government will provide for everyone.
Guns are evil.
"Security" and surveillance are for your own good.
Every bad feeling is a mental illness.
The world is so dangerous that you must give up your individual rights in order to preserve "freedom."
What we need is not "seperation of church and state;" what we need is SEPERATION OF SCHOOL AND STATE.