Attn nevada gun owners

UPDATE: AB143 is also a pro-gun CCW bill. It was introduced on the Feb 12th (after I originally put up this article). It will also prohibit newspapers and other media from printing the names of those who have CCW permits.

One other thing. The Nevada Campus Protection Act.

"On Thursday, February 17, the Nevada Sheriffs and Chiefs Association will meet to form an opinion on Bill Draft Request 742. This important legislation would enable Nevada Concealed Firearms Permit holders to carry a concealed firearm for self-defense on college campuses. State law allows each individual college or university president to determine their respective carry policies, but not one currently allows permit holders to exercise this constitutional right. Permit holders are among the most law-abiding citizens in the country and we need your Sheriff’s support for BDR 742 to remedy this injustice and restore the right to self-defense on college campuses.

Please contact your Sheriff today and urge him to support BDR 742 at the upcoming February 17th meeting and testify in support when it comes up for a hearing in the Nevada Legislature. Contact information is listed below."

For those in Las Vegas and Clark County.

Clark County
Doug Gillespie
(702) 828-3231
SB-176 aka Constitutional Carry

Take a look at NELIS:

No meetings are yet scheduled for SB-176.

Urge the cmte chair to schedule a hearing! Voice support!

Wiener, Valerie
E-mail Address(es):
Department: Leg Bldg Rm 1219
Office: 775-684-1422
Phone: 702-871-6536
D, Clark no 3
Chair, Senate Judiciary Cmte

It will take you two minutes and we can make a difference if we put
forth a small collective effort.
"UPDATED 2/21/2012 - SB176 would give us constitutional carry rights for CCW, in other words, NO NEED FOR PERMITS! Go here and submit your opinion as "for" SB176."

Cool! So will this apply this year or do we have to wait until next Feb. for it to take place??? :)
SB126 was PASSED by the Senate Judiciary Committee this morning with no amendments. It is not over, there is still some lobbying to be done as well as some other issues to be resolved, but things are looking good.

Cool! So will this apply this year or do we have to wait until next Feb. for it to take place???

It still hasn't made it out of committee. We'll see what happens if we can get a fire lit under our politicians to get this going... Email or call the cmte chair to schedule a hearing!
"Repeal the blue card"

The necessary bill to do that has been submitted to the legislature.
S.B. 176 Constitutional carry and blue card elimination.

It will be an uphill battle, if you are truly serious about getting rid of Clark County gun registration is will require a MASSIVE show of support for repeal.
This will be the bill that justifies taking a morning off from work to attend the hearing.
If you want to override the anti's and NSCA (redundant) we will have to get an overflow crowd to show up at the Las Vegas hearing room.

I would personally be very disappointed if everyone does not support both provisions of this bill.
If some of you want to support eliminating gun registration without supporting constitutional carry, that is your right.
Failure to show up at all guarantees gun registration continues.

It appears the first thing required is that we demand this bill gets a hearing, so far none has been scheduled.

SB-176 (Constitutional Carry) referred to Senate Judiciary Cmte. Perhaps this "cut/paste" list will make it easier:

Senate Judiciary Committee:

Valerie Wiener - Chair
Allison Copening – Vice Chair
Shirley A. Breeden
Ruben J. Kihuen
Mike McGinness
Don Gustavson
Michael Roberson

Email addresses:;;;;;;

Please urge Chair Wiener to schedule a hearing for SB-176.

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––-

There is a companion bill in the Assembly to go along with SB176, it is AB231

PLEASE urge the Asm Jud Cmte Chairman, Asm William Horne, to schedule a hearing for AB-231.

Assembly Judiciary Committee

William C. Horne - Chair
James Ohrenschall – Vice Chair
Steven Brooks
Richard Carrillo
Richard (Skip) Daly
Olivia Diaz
Marilyn Dondero Loop
Jason Frierson
Tick Segerblom
Scott Hammond
Ira Hansen
Kelly Kite
Richard McArthur
Mark Sherwood

Email addresses:;;;;;;;;;;;;;

If your legislator(s) are not co-sponsors, please urge them to become co-sponsors.

Cast your 'vote' and type an optional supportive opinion at
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I'm confused, I thought the vote for making the semi auto same as revolver vote was delayed due to it being linked to the campus vote. I would like both to be passed yesterday!
you're right- it was the ccw confidentiality that is attached to the semi auto bill.
Stupid newspaper organization opposes it because they like going after R politicians like Gibbons to see if there is any so called discrepancies. As if it really makes a difference if you carry a Glock 22 when you have a Glock 21 on your ccw. I am so disgusted with those chumps.
A.B. 143 passed the assembly judiciary committee this morning (3/11/11) WITHOUT any amendments, and with the privacy provision intact.

Kelly Kite made a statement for the record that he feels the bill does not go far enough, that we should simply issue CCW's that do not specify the type of firearm permitted.

A.B. 143 now moves to the full assembly for ratification, hopefully that will also go smoothly.

If it passes the full assembly A.B. 143 will have to be reconciled in conference with S.B. 126 before the the entire legislature can pass a final bill.

The combined bill is probably where WE will have to make ourselves heard, this is when the opposition will make their big push to kill the bill.

MARCH 21, 2011
Referred to Committee on Judiciary
SUMMARY—Revises provisions concerning the renewal of permits to carry concealed firearms. (BDR 15-1060)
FISCAL NOTE: Effect on Local Government: No.
Effect on the State: No.
AN ACT relating to concealed firearms; revising provisions concerning the renewal of permits to carry concealed firearms; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
Legislative Counsel’s Digest:
1 Existing law requires a sheriff who receives an application for a permit to carry
2 a concealed firearm to conduct an investigation of the applicant to determine if the
3 applicant is eligible for a permit. (NRS 202.366) This bill additionally requires a
4 sheriff to conduct an investigation of an applicant who wishes to renew his or her
5 permit to carry a concealed firearm.

This would pave the way to reinstate the NICS exemption.

Senate Judiciary Committee:

Valerie Wiener - Chair
Allison Copening – Vice Chair
Shirley A. Breeden
Ruben J. Kihuen
Mike McGinness
Don Gustavson
Michael Roberson

Cut/paste email addresses:;;;;;;

And the first hearing is Friday, April 01, 2011, 8:30 a.m.

Please send strong support!


On Wednesday, March 30, Assembly Bill 282 will be heard in the Assembly Judiciary Committee at 8:00 a.m. in room 3138 of the Legislative Building in Carson City.
The hearing will also be teleconferenced to room 4401 of the Grant Sawyer State Office Building in Las Vegas.

Introduced by Assembly Speaker John Oceguera (D-16), AB 282 is a four point, pro-gun omnibus measure that would: 1) ensure that CCW permit holders’ names and addresses remain confidential; 2) revise Nevada state law to allow for the qualification of any semi-automatic firearm for the purposes of acquiring a CCW permit; 3) allow for the carrying of firearms in Nevada state parks; and 4) statutorily mandate a background investigation (which is currently being done by all Nevada sheriffs), on CCW permit renewals for the purpose of reinstating the NICS exemption for Nevada. This would ensure that permit holders do not have to go through a point-of-contact check for every firearm purchased, as long as the permit is valid.

Please contact members of the Assembly Judiciary Committee and respectfully urge their support for AB 282.
Contact information for this committee can be found below.

Assembly Judiciary Committee

Assemblyman William Horne (D-34), Chairman
(775) 684-8847

Assemblyman James Ohrenschall (D-12), Vice Chairman
(775) 684-8819

Assemblyman Steven Brooks (D-19)
(775) 684-8569

Assemblyman Richard Carrillo (D-18)
(775) 684-8801

Assemblyman Skip Daly (D-31)
(775) 684-8563

Assemblyman Olivia Diaz (D-11)
(775) 684-8553

Assemblyman Marilyn Dondero Loop (D-5)
(775) 684-8833

Assemblyman Jason Frierson (D-8)
(775) 684-8537

Assemblyman Tick Segerblom (D-9)
(775) 684-8549

Assemblyman Scott Hammond (R-13)
(775) 684-8853

Assemblyman Ira Hansen (R-32)
(775) 684-8851

Assemblyman Kelly Kite (R-39)
(775) 684-8843

Assemblyman Richard McArthur (R-4)
(775) 684-8829

Assemblyman Mark Sherwood (R-21)
(775) 684-8839

This alert (with live links) is posted at:
As reported by RichardSIA on

The hearings today were kept pretty short as they went smoothly.

A.B. 185 and A.B. 205 were "Withdrawn" AKA killed.

A.B. 282 is still alive, with some amendments offered.
CCW for 18-21 year old service members is dead, it is claimed it had too many conflicts with other laws.
State Parks and Recreation is demanding a "small" amendment to the language making it "Clear" that CCW in parks would only be for defense purposes, DUH!

Four different cop lobbies supported the bill, so long as the 18-21 service member provision is removed.

NACJ is still trying to get our names published, but again did not have the sincerity to bother showing up.
Their desired amendment is unlikely to be adopted.

Eagle Forum, and the I.A.P. lobbyist supported A.B. 282 as well.
ACLU opposed the 18-21 CCW provision, OK with defense in parks, supports the privacy provision.

(Did not catch her first name) Butler from Nevada records gave a short review of the CCW/NICS Exemption history.
She pointed out that adopting "Shall perform a background check on all renewals" does NOT guarantee that BATFE will renew Nevada's CCW NICS exemption.
Copies of the various CCW bills have been sent to the BATFE lawyers, along with a notice of the legislative deadlines, hopefully they will respond before 4/15/11.
From what I know of the BATFE requirements, they would have to suddenly change the rules for the proposed "Shall" language to not meet their previously stated standards.
If A.B. 282 passes we should get our NICS exemption back.
I personally find it distasteful the the Nevada legislature must confer with this Fed. agency in any way to pass Nevada legislation.

There was no organized opposition to A.B. 282 presented at this hearing.

S.B. 126 was also heard today.

Support was overwhelming, the same lobbyist support it as supported A.B. 282.
The author, senator Settlemeyer, turned down combining S.B. 126 with A.B. 282.
This is a tactical move, if something happens to A.B. 282 his bill may still pass separately.

I was pleased to see greater participation from Las Vegas, four people spoke in support of A.B. 282, two stayed to support S.B 126.

There was no opposition to S.B 126.
the job situation is pretty grim here, but if you can create your own job or start a company you'll be sitting pretty. Houses are "cheap" right now-a wonderful time to move to NV.
On April 15, AB 282 and AB 321 were unanimously passed in the Assembly Judiciary Committee. Both bills are now on their way to the Assembly floor and could be heard as early as TODAY, April 25.

Assembly Bill 282, sponsored by Assembly Speaker John Oceguera (D-16), is a four point pro-gun omnibus measure that would: 1) ensure that CCW permit holders’ names and addresses remain confidential; 2) revise Nevada state law to allow for the use of any semi-automatic firearm when acquiring a CCW permit; 3) allow for the carrying of firearms in Nevada state parks; and 4) statutorily mandate a background investigation (which is currently being done by all Nevada sheriffs) for CCW permit renewals for the purpose of reinstating the NICS exemption for Nevada, thus ensuring that permit holders do not have to go through a point-of-contact check for every firearm purchased, as long as the permit is valid.

Assembly Bill 321 is also sponsored by Assembly Speaker Oceguera (D-16). This bill provides that under the defense of justifiable homicide there is no duty to retreat if the person using deadly force: 1) is not the original aggressor; 2) has a right to be present at the location where deadly force is used; and 3) is not actively engaged in criminal activity at the time deadly force is used.

Please contact your Assemblyman immediately and respectfully request that he or she support AB 282 and AB 321. For contact information or help identifying your Assemblyman, please click here.

This alert is posted at: