Attn: N.A.A Guardian owners

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Chris D

New member
I'm seriously consitering this pistol. I may buy in a day or two and use it as a daily carry weapon.

My first question since I have never held one is, will it fit into the rear pocket of a pair of Levi's? (say a pair with a 33" waist?).

Second, how has been the reliability?

Thanks in advance

Chris D
Chris D

Mine has been absolutely reliable since the first time I cleaned it and got the reddish colored factory lube out and replaced it with Rem-Oil (Break-Free would probably work too). There are fairly large surface areas that rub together and any gummy type lube will probably mess things up. Use a really slick lube and I think it will be great.

As for pocket fit - I ain't found a pocket it won't fit. I use a custom pocket holster to keep it upright and reduce the profile but any good pocket holster would work. I prefer front pocket for comfort but rear would work, especially with a wallet type holster. The little soft case it comes with works pretty darn good too.

I use UMC hardball for practice and Winchester Silvertips for carry.



[This message has been edited by Mikey (edited September 28, 1999).]
I carry my Guardian in my strong side back pocket. No problem. It doesn't even peek out the top. I use a $30 pocket holster I found at a gun show. I really love this carry method. It isn't a 45acp, but it goes with me everywhere...
As with just about all of the .32 pocket semi-autos, the Guardian seems to be a crap shoot. There are many people who have no trouble at all and love them and an equal number who seem to have no end of trouble. My Guardian had to go back to the factory three times for repeated feed jams, two broken slide releases, and an ejector that flew away while shooting. NAA was very responsive, even if they couldn't fix the thing. Finally, I asked for and received an entirely new gun, which worked just fine for the 200 or so rounds I shot before I sold it. By this time, I felt that I just couldn't trust any Guardian with my life.

I now carry an S&W .38 Special Airweight when I need a quick, stick-in-your-pocket gun. It's absolutely reliable, much more powerful than a .32, cheaper than a Guardian, and makes me feel like I'm much better protected. The Guardian is a beautiful gun and extremely concealable, but it's no fun at all to shoot, and as a defense round, the .32 ACP, in a word, sucks. Hollow points almost never expand, and when they do, they do not penetrate well at all.
Good company, with good CNC machines, using good steels. I was very impressed at the quality they have. The attention to detail was as high as anyplace else - it doesnt get much better than that.

If you have a problem, let them know - they'll fix it.

Not all Liberals are annoying... Some are Dead.
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
Thanks Guys!

I went and bought one (new) last night.

I'm hoping to put a few rounds through it this weekend. I'll let you know what I think.

I like mine. With a Hedley pocket holster, I can slip it into the front or back pocket of any of my jeans, tight or loose fit (29" waist). It'll print a little, but the holster makes the bulge look like a wallet. I take it everywhere, and nobody has ever looked twice at the slight printing.

However, my gun will absolutely NOT shoot CCI Blazer ammo. I used this my first time to the range and had more failures to fire, feed, you name it, than I could count. I returned it to NAA, who promptly gutted the gun and replaced everything but the frame. I tried CCI's again and had the same problem. It must just be the ammo, because it was 100% with Fiocci SJHPs and Hornady FMJs. It'll take me a few more boxes before I trust it completely though. Good luck with yours.

I agree with craigz. I only know of 2 people locally, not including myself, that own a Guardian. One told me his is 100% reliable. The other had his trigger fall completely off while shooting at his first trip to the range (according to a salesman at my local gun store.) The gun is currently being repaired by NAA.

If this happened during a self defense situation, I can only hope my attacker would find this amusing enough to hesitate, giving me a one second head start on running like hell. ;)
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