Attn Californians: Feinstein must GO!

Jack 99

New member
Hey everyone (especially Californians), I think we can all agree that Feinstein needs a new job. She's an emberassment to California.

NOW is the time to get behind a Republican candidate that has substance, integrity and can actually beat that 60's leftover.

I've researched some of the declared and undeclared candidates and found someone I think fits that description - Bill Horn. He's just exploring his Senate run right now, but if he got a few supportive emails and maybe even a few campaign volunteers (I sent an email offering to help out), it could sway him.

Check him out:

"Put a rifle in the hands of a Subject, and he immediately becomes a Citizen." -- Jeff Cooper
Hey Jack,
Thanks for the input on Bill Horn. I will keep abreast of this guy. He looks like he may fit the bill and have some credibility. I would have some concern that he might not be able to build a war chest big enough to compete, but we'll see. After hearing more about his 2nd amendment thoughts (being a Capt. in the Marines in Viet Nam should give us a hint), I might donate to his campaign and might even work for his election if he is a strong 2nd Amendment candidate.
Once again, thanks!!

To own firearms is to affirm that freedom and liberty are not gifts from the state.

[This message has been edited by Elker_43 (edited November 17, 1999).]