Att'n Calif members..SB 0023 status

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MEASURE : S.B. No. 23
AUTHOR(S) : Perata, Alpert, Bowen, and Ortiz (Coauthors: Assembly
Members Alquist, Gallegos, Kuehl, Mazzoni, Nakano,
Scott, Shelley, Torlakson, and Washington).
TOPIC : Firearms: assault weapons.

LAST HIST. ACT. DATE: 03/04/1999
LAST HIST. ACTION : Set for hearing March 23.
31 DAYS IN PRINT : 01/07/1999

TITLE : An act to amend Sections 12020, 12022, 12022.5, 12280,
12285, and 12289 of, and to add Section 12276.1 to, the
Penal Code, relating to firearms.


THIS IS REAL BAD LAW and sure to pass if we don't raise a stink. Pete Wilson veto'd it and Gray Davis has lots of favors to pay back...he will sign it

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
for those that don't know what this bill is about, and another bill that is also being heard on that date (mar 23) here are the links and some info.

for those in california, please let the word out that everyone needs to start contacting your representatives (senate and assembly) regarding these two bills. if you can, please post notices at gun stores and ranges to let people know about these two bills, and that people need to be vocal and contact their representatives if they want to try to preserve their rights. if these bills pass, you can pretty much kiss glocks, sigmas, j-frame smiths, any concealable handgun, and any nontraditional hunting rifle styled firearm away. also, if these bills fly here, start looking for copycat bills elsewhere.

SB 15: "unsafe handguns"
prohibits manufacture/sale/transfer of unsafe handguns. definition of unsafe handguns based on, among other things, size (can't be small enough to easily conceal, it seems), and for pistols, if they have a manual safety (there goes the glocks, sigmas,....).

SB 23: assault weapon/large capacity firearms amendment
makes it illegal to manufacture/sell/transfer/ GIVE OR LEND certain firearms defined as assault weapons.
"SEC. 4. Section 12276.1 is added to the Penal Code, to read:
12276.1. (a) Notwithstanding Section 12276, "assault weapon"
shall also mean any of the following:
(1) A semiautomatic, centerfire rifle that has the capacity to
accept a detachable magazine and any one of the following:
(A) A conspicuously protruding pistol grip.
(B) A thumbhole stock.
(C) A vertical handgrip.
(D) A folding or telescoping stock.
(E) A grenade launcher.
(F) A threaded barrel."
several other things, such as mandatory registration of an "assault weapon", prison sentences, etc. if in violation, etc.

this bill also prohibits manufacture/sale/transfer/ the GIVING OR LENDING of large capacity magazines.
(sarcasm on - at a range/target area)"i'm sorry, sir/madam, but you're under arrest for giving that magazine to your friend to shoot".