Attn: All Wyoming Members

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New member
Get on the Ball, we can do this.

Constitutional Carry legislation ‘SF-47’ is to be heard in a Senate Committee on Tuesday, January 18th.

It is urgent that you contact the Senate Committee members immediately and let them know that you want to restore the Constitution in Wyoming by passing ‘SF-47’.

Note: SF-47 does NOT remove the ability of a citizen to acquire a concealed carry permit.

If passed, our Constitutional Carry legislation SF-47 would restore the right of every law-abiding Wyoming citizen to carry a handgun to protect themselves and their families — WITHOUT going through a bunch of bureaucratic rigmarole!

In short, if you’re legally able to own a firearm, you’re legally able to carry it. Period.

No expensive permit fees.

No “Big-Brother-May-I”.

No “Gun ownership” databases.

Just a God-given right to carry a firearm… the way our founding fathers intended.

This is the way it’s done in Vermont, Alaska, and now Arizona.


1) Contact these Senate Committee members immediately and tell them to vote for SF-47, the Constitutional Carry bill:

Senator John J. Hines

Senator Paul Barnard

Senator Cale Case

Senator Fred Emerich

Senator Drew A. Perkins

2) Call the Wyoming Legislative Hotline 1-866-996-8683 and voice your support for SF-47.

3) Make this go viral; send it to all of your freedom loving friends immediately.
I got an email today from Sen Case who is on the Revenue committee, where the bill started. He said it passed in committee today, with one amendment. I dunno what the amendment was.
Closer and closer...

Here's the latest development. This was a pretty big one. As menntioned previously, it cleared the Senate committee fairly easily. Then it passed the entire Senate by a 20-10 vote. Closer than I had figured. But it passed. So now it's in the House. Last time they tried to get this passed, they started in the House and it never made it out. So today they announced that it had passed the House committee by a 8-1 vote. That's real good news. So now all it has to do is be passed by the full House vote and then get signed by the guv.

The main opponents to the bill have been a couple police chiefs. It seems like their testimony carries quite a bit of clout with the legislators. Enough to convince a few in the Senate to switch their votes. I can understand the concerns that law enforcement have about it. But I hope it passes.

We shall soon learn the fate. The legislature doesn't last too much longer.
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