Attn: 10mm shooters, i have a Question


I finally got a wolf 28lb recoil spring for my Delta Elite. My question is, will this thing cycle and load another round? It is tough even racking the slide. Is 28lb too much? I have read several posts on here that 28lb is good. Maybe i am just worrying too much. SO please, if its just me, let me know, if 28lb is too much, let me know. I await your wisdom
I'm not sure...

But 28lbs is pretty heavy. Mine has a 24lb spring and it's pretty tough working the slide, but functions perfectly. You'll probably just have to shoot it and see how it works. BTW, the setup that I've heard recommended most (and what I have in my DE)is the 24lb Wolff spring, full-length steel guide rod and shock buffer. The only performance issues I'd see with the heavier spring would be with weaker loads not being able to cycle the action.

There is an issue with a heavier spring in that it drives the slide forward harder than the standard spring, therefore it cracks the frame because it hammers too hard against the slide stop. There is no free lunch. The factory rig is fine. Do a search on Jim Keenan or email him. He went into detail in his post.

True, the heavy spring cracks the frame at the slide stop pin hole. This problem was discovered early on with IPSC shooters in the '80's when boosting up their loads and started going to heavier springs.
I have a 22lb, 24lb and a 26lb spring for my 10mm Auto converted P16.

I have found that some loads with the 26lber were being battered deeper into the case as they were fed into the chamber. I have switched down to the 24lb spring and that seems to be fine. Okay I have only run about 200 rounds of 10mm through the pistol, but there were no incidents!

If I was shooting some hot home cooked loads, I think I'd have the 26lber in the P16. But if your shooting factory loads, or hand loads that are no "Godzilla'd be jealous of this bout of flame" brews a 24lber should be fine.
