Attitude of my Russian friend

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Just talked to my buddy from junior high back in Russia. Seems he had gone to fight in Georgia for a while, liked it, came back to Russia and joined police force.

He can't figure out why I want to keep guns for defense.He feels that if someone really wants to ice me, they will. Interesting view, even with some doze of sense...OTOH icing me is more trouble than icing unarmed me. He also expressed some derision for a friend of mine who learned hapkido in large part to prevent repeat rapes. He felt she was "fixated" by building her life around response to a unique event.

Also said that "500m is NOT long range with an SVD (Dragunov)". For those of you lamenting lack of live fire practice in US Army, he said most recruits in Russia aren't even issued rifles anymore...ust wooden drill dummies.
I couldn't talk all that long with him (expensive!) and he has no net connection. In talking to other classmates, I found that they tended to be more sympathetic.

One friend made me laugh by saying "my friend went to Washington DC for two months and loved the place, so interesting, peaceful, etc." Different standard of reference. Likewise, she got married at 25, and to me it seems pretty young. For them, it is rather late.

Oleg, zdrasvootya. I agree, in part, with your friend that a person with a vendetta against you will probably get you eventually, especially if you don't know about the vendetta beforehand. They hold most of the cards because they can pick the time and place of an attack, and the element of surprise is one that is too often overlooked in discussions of self-defense on this board. But, since nobody's perfect, they might mess up a little bit and give you a chance to retaliate. Yeah, the chances are very slim you'd get the upper hand, but stranger things have happened. Carrying a gun is no guarantee of a person's safety--life has no guarantees--but I'd rather be with one than without one.

Have you heard of this place for cheap long-distance fees to Russia called LDPOST? They utilize pre-paid calling cards. My wife, who's Russian, uses them to call her friends and mother. Here's the link:


Reading "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," by Ayn Rand, should be required of every politician and in every high school.
Hey Oleg,
Got any buddies doing business back in Russia these days? I'm looking for a job over there so I can work on the language.
When it comes to self defense, I concern myself more with the potential random threat than the meticulous, calculating, unknown enemy out for my skin. That would be difficult for anyone living a normal life to defend against, if possible. If someone announces an intent to harm me, they may succeed, but in any case, won't find it a lucrative endeavor because I am prepared.