Attention: Hollywood!


New member
If you never do anything else right, I'll forgive you, as long as you teach your actors to


Thank you for your attention.

AMEN! My other Major Gripe is semi/full autos blazing away and not a shell casing in sight. I understand they use a butane igniter and dub in the sound later. While it was a helluva bigger caliber, one of the most realistic movies I ever saw was "Battle Hell" where a British destroyer was trapped in the Yangtse river, duking it out with the Red Chinese artillery. The simulation of the rapid-fire main batteries, complete with the "pung-clang" as the empties hit the deck, was outstanding. The rest of the movie was too "talkie" though.
I can't recall the name, but in a movie my wife and I recently watched, we had to laugh at some of the screw-ups...

Somebody is firing an older SP-1 to beat all hell (edit/splice) same person still firing, but is now an M4 (edit/splice) now back to the SP-1 with the triangular handguards!

I wish mine could do that!
How about the "Case of the Never-Empty Six Gun???"
In the movie Tombstone, during the scene at the OK Corral, Doc Holiday fires 3 shots from a double-barrel shotgun w/o re-loading, and then later is seen ducking and firing both revolvers at Ike Clanton. He fires more than 6 shots from each gun!!!

Or how about in Heat, where Pacino and DeNiro shoot it out after the bank robbery, with ALL SORTS of innocent 3rd parties running for cover?

Oh, and another classic, in Terminator 2: John Connor hands Arnie a 1911, with the hammer cocked. Then, in another angle, when Arnie is holstering it, the hammer is NOT cocked. Switch views once again, and the hammer is again cocked!!!

BOOOOOOO Hollywood.... but what can you expect from a bunch of anti-gun, uneducated Smegheads???? (ie., a semi-auto rifle is a machine gun)

"...What will you do without freedom? Will you fight?... Fight, and you may die, run and you'll live, at least a while. And dying, many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that, for just one chance, to tell our enemies, that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our FREEDOM!!!"
Heat was a way good movie...

Better than Ronin...

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...



Haven't seen Ronin, but yeah, Heat was a great movie, one of the best of that genre in quite a while. I just love DeNiro and Pacino together!
Boing et al.

Yes, please!!

And while we're at it:

• Fully auto weapons fired from the hip don't leave a ruler-straight line of perfectly evenly spaced holes!

• Lead bullets don't strike sparks when they hit!

• Firing "warning" shots at low angle into the ground in front of someone would probably blow their legs away with ricochets!

• Ordinary 12g rounds do not cause "explosions" when they hit!

• If you put your thumb and fingers right around a Winchester lever action, you can't see the foresight to aim!

• People hit by gunfire are not "blown" off their feet: conversely, hit in the shoulder by anything semi-decent, they are not going to get up and keep fighting while holding the injured limb!

• If handguns were meant to be held "horizontally", the manufacturers wouldn't put the bloody sights on top of the gun!

• "Mini-guns" need a power source to operate!

• An arrow won't be stopped by the canvas on an old Conestoga wagon!

• If you fire a machine gun or Gatling gun into a group of men charging on horseback, remember the horses ain't bulletproof!

• Large-scale gunfights indoors are gonna make you deaf -- or at least leave your ears ringing for a while!

• Shotguns have a wad!

• Even blanks, at close range, will hurt the person they're fired at!

I was bored with "Heat" the first time I saw it, but rented it again this weekend and watched it three times, which led me to get this thing off my chest in the first place. Shotguns Kick! Get it? You're not pretending to play a violin here.

There have been some bright spots on this issue though.

In "Strage Days", on of the Bad Guy cops did simulate recoil when shooting at the girl on the subway. He didn't do it well, but the effort was there. But then, later on in the movie, he forgot to do it. Oh well.

And in "Amos and Andrew", one of the cops (just an inconspicuous extra in the background of a group shot) did a good job of recoil-acting with a 12 gauge. I turned to my wife and said, "You see that? You can tell that guy is a gun owner in real life."

BTW- "Heat" gets a small "details" honorable mention from me: The Bad guys firing deliberate, aimed, 3-shot bursts. Nice touch.

Thanks to Bruce for the fine examples!

Ah, Hollywierd, ya gotta love it..NOT!
My favorite "gun goof"-the ultra advanced "assault rifle" featured in "True Lies". Let's see...aluminum rounds fired at near light speed? Ah, wouldn't they melt somewhere around, say, 10 to 15,000fps? Isn't "near light speed" (at 186K miles per second, that works out to 982,680,000fps) just a tab bit faster than that? Isn't it impossible for anything other than various forms of radiation & subatomic particles to achieve anything near light speed? And where's the recoil? A grain of sand fired at light speed would knock you into the next continent. And how 'bout that sighting system that can see through walls, etc? Infra-red X-ray night vision scope, gotta have me one of them babies. With a gun like that, who needs full-auto? Who needs repeat shots? Fire one, take our three or four counties per shot.
One often wonders if any action directors ever heard of the laws of physics, particularly Newton's 3rd. Doncha just love it when a bullet impacts a 200 lb guy with enough force to pick him up and throw him 10 feet backwards, but the reoil from that shot is non-existent?
I did notice in "Saving Private Ryan" that when Tom Hanks was shooting at the tank with his GM, there was not only the proper amount of recoil, but also torque. Very realistic portrayal of one-handed shooting by a wound-weakened person, IMHO.

Shoot straight regards, Richard
The Shottist's Center
What about the "hero" that has been carrying a semi-auto pistol all day and we never see him set it down or un-load it but just before he goes into what he thinks is going to be a dangerous place check it to see if it is loaded? Why has he been carrying the gun all day if it was not loaded?

Why not letting a pistol go to slide lock back and the shooter reload? Let us see him/her reload. None of this, "oops the gun is empty with the slide back, cut away, cut back and the pistol is back in action."

Stop making movies that have the wrong era firearms in it. No more American Civil War movies using '92 Winchesters and '73 Colt SAA's.

Have a few movies where people really load magazines with ammo. You have to do that in real life you know, so show it in reel life.

Remember that guns and ammunition weigh something, so stop having well armed people jump into rivers, lakes, oceans and other bodies of water and have no problems swimming long distances.

Try to remember that when the action of a pumpshot gun is worked after firing a spent shell had better come out if there is to be a follow up shot fired. If nothing is ejected, nothing will be chambered.

SILENCERS FOR REVOLVERS DON'T WORK, at least 3" long tubes attached to the muzzle. In fact 3" long silencers will not work on anything. Silencers are not SILENT.

Firing two handguns, submachine guns, or any two firearms at the sametime is not condusive for good accuracy. Ya' can't be sure of hitting anything.

GUNSMITHS AND GUNSHOP OWNERS DO NOT VIOLATE THE FEDERAL LAWS WHEN SELLING GUNS. Show the buyer filling out the Federal forms and going thru the "Instant Check."

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited July 08, 1999).]
actually the mime of the horizontal gangsta pistol grip maybe be beneficial to law abiding gun owners

if thats the kewl way to shoot, then i hope more lawless youth emulate this grip

gansta pants slow em down too!

maybe leg chains should be promoted as urban cool!
how about pirate eye patches?
depth perception is highly over rated

if you want to be cool ya gotta shoot side canted with an eye patch with your pants hanging off your butt

thats kewl!

for the rest of us

shoot straight!

doc Z

Wasn't that fancy-shmancy "assault rifle" featured in Eraser, another of Arnie's movies? Also, I thought it was supposed to be some kind of rail gun... :)

I must confess, I haven't seen Red Dwarf yet. My husband got me into saying "smeghead," and "smeg-off" as he is a BIG Red Dwarf fan. I've been wanting to watch it, but can't find it around here...

"...What will you do without freedom? Will you fight?... Fight, and you may die, run and you'll live, at least a while. And dying, many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that, for just one chance, to tell our enemies, that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our FREEDOM!!!"
How about the sequel to the Fugitive w/ Tommy Lee Jones and Robert Downey Jr (can't remember the name). Towards the end they are at the hospital when TLJ says "I noticed you went with the Glock, can I see it?" and RDJ gives it to him and TLJ replaces the full mag with an empty. Like any real cop/agent wouldn't notice the weight difference? Most unbelievable.
Yeah, the wife and I saw that movie (called "US Marshals", BTW) and we said THE SAME THING!!! I don't know how many of you out there are into japanese Animation, but there is one series called "Gunsmith Cats" (no, it's NOT about gun-totin' felines), and in the 1st episode, the protagonist is handed a gun, and her first comment is something to the effect of "Where's the bullets?". She could tell by the weight it wasn't loaded! If you ask me, Tommy Lee should have put DUMMY rounds into that Glock.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary security deserve neither liberty nor security."
-Benjamin Franklin
"If it isn't Scottish, it's CRAP!"

[This message has been edited by Jedi Oomodo (edited July 08, 1999).]
My pet movie peeve is the actor flinching like he was gonna get a stooges poke in the eye when he fires the gun. Gibson in the first Lethal Weapon movie, playing a supposed ex-Special Forces trooper, is a classic example. He shoots a smiley face in the target, when in the real world, he'd have been lucky to hit the backstop.

Also, would it kill a budget to hire one person who knows the 4 rules of gun handling, and have him/her teach the actors who will be portraying expert shooters? Get your fingers off the triggers!
Also in US Marshalls, Tommy Lee Jones does not remove the round from the chamber. If Downey Jr. carried in condition 3, then wouldn't he have racked the slide when he was ready to shoot our hero in the hospital room?
how about no primers in the shells being carried around by that little puke in the last battle scene in Saving Private Ryan?