Attended a First Monday 2000 event tonight.


New member
The event was held at the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle. About 40 people there, mostly med students. The format was a lecture with several speakers. All were anti-gun. They presented various statistics, promoted lock up your safety measures, and generally came off as socialists.

I and other Washington TRT members did get in a few good licks, particularly when the good doctor was attempting to open a gun lock box that he advocated every handgun be kept in, as a matter of law. After giving him a reasonable amount of time (3 seconds or so) one of the other WA-TRT members said "bang, you're dead." I pointed my hand at him and said "I just shot you three times because you couldn't get to your gun." I then said "your wife is now being raped because you can't get to your gun. Your daughter is now being raped because you can't get to your gun." These comments were generally ignored by the good doctor, but I think our point was made. He did eventually get the box open.

There were some other good exchanges, and I'm not very good at recalling those kinds of things in detail, but if WA-TRT issues a report about the event, I will publish it here.

It was fun, and I'm all fired up for more. If you haven't been to an event where you can directly challenge to anti's where they stand, I recommend you try to participate in one.

"Anyone feel like saluting the flag which the strutting ATF and FBI gleefully raised over the smoldering crematorium of Waco, back in April of ‘93?" -Vin Suprynowicz

[This message has been edited by deanf (edited October 04, 2000).]
Thank you for standing up to these tinpot totalitarians! It is appreciated by those like me who are stuck in "non-media-event" locales.
FYI, I'm "backhoe" on
I used to live on Vashon Island, many years ago, in what seems like another life.

Eagles Up!