Attempted robbery?


New member
So let's say you're in your house, and then a bad guy enters your home, starting to ransack your things and looking for stuff to steal. Then let's say you come downstairs to check out the noise, and the bad guy bolts, doesn't take anything.
Of course at this point you call the cops and describe the perp to them, and they might go looking for the guy.
What if they find him? What would he be charged with aside from breaking/entering? Is there such a thing as attempted robbery? I wouldn't imagine so because you have not incurred any material losses, but then again I feel like there should be some kind of punishment for attempted crimes just the same.
yes, AFAIK, attempted robbery is a crime (maybe not in EVERY location), and even in places that dont have attempted robbery, I'm sure burglery would cover it, as you still unlawfully entered with the INTENT to steal. Most crimes have an "attempted" counterpart AFAIK, and many that dont, simply require an attempt, or intent, to do something, and dont hinge on wether or not you are actually successfull. Otherwise, anyone could do as they please, and if they get lucky and fail, get off scot free. For example, in your scenario, all the BG would have to do is drop the loot before leaving your property if discovered, and thus would not have actually stolen anything, and be able to get off, or I could hand a bank teller a "hold-up" note, but if I get scared and run off without my loot when I see a cop car drive by, I'd be home free. Situations like that would be so ludicris that even politicians have figured it out, and accounted for it.:D

So, luckily for us, just because a criminal is a crappy one, he doesnt get a pass for the attempt.

Another good, slightly different, example is drug dealing. I you ask me to sell you some cocaine, and I give you baking soda instead, I still get tried, and convicted, of dealing coacaine. Doesnt matter that is wasnt cocaine, just that I implied in some way it ones. Sucks for the guy who gets a 20 year prison sentence for a couple ounces of flour in his pocket in little baggies, standing on the street corner thinking he's smart and hustleing his customers, and safe from the law too, huh?:p

ETA: I am NOT a lawyer (I have a soul, thank you :p:D), so this info is worth what you pay for it, and I MAY be way off (it's happened before), but I'm pretty confident on this one.
that sounds like good info.
during my research on the matter i actually learned the differences between burglary, theft, and robbery.
Burglary involves breaking into some place (i think with intent to do something illegal inside)
Theft is straight up taking something that isn't yours
Robbery is theft with the use of violence or threat of violence

although the funny thing is, they actually would have to PROVE that the bad guy intended to take my stuff PERMANENTLY. it sounds like if the bad guy simply told the police that he intended on returning the items, they would have a little more work ahead of them.

i suppose my question should be refined to asking about any charges for attempted theft, since it wouldn't be a robbery if the bad guy just bolted.

i had my place broken into but i did not recognize anything as missing, so as far as i can tell, nothing was taken. my neighbor saw the bad guy and scared him off and described him to police. they never found him, but i'm curious as to what he would face if he were.