Attempted Home Invasion


New member
DISCLAIMER : Following is a real incident but some of the points have been deliberately changed for the sake of it being on an open internet forum.

Hi All,

Its been a long time since I posted or logged in here due to the banning of the IP of my ISP or some other issue. .

On 4th of Feb 2012 in late evening I came back home with my family from a short trip of market and parked my car inside. Family went upstairs and I started to take care of my car as it got some mud and I had to clean it. Due to the compact parking area and thus lack of maneuvering around the car, I had to keep the main door slightly opened. Well, big mistake/ blunder/negligence etc etc etc.

So here was I kneeling around the front tyre of my car when I noticed a guy getting inside the gate. One thing to mention that we have tenants on the ground floor and one of the lady there used to teach inter-level students. So when I saw him, I was just wondering if he was one of her students or some relative. He also had a bag on his shoulder like students have and may be that is why I was kind of confused. I stood up, and 2 more guys followed him inside. Suddenly the 1st guy pulled up his shirt and started pulling a pistol.

I had my trusted CF-98 on me at 3-4 o clock position, safety off, chamber loaded and hammer down.The shirt was not tucked. Seeing him reaching for his pistol triggered all the alarm bells in my mind and at that time I decided to not to let them get into the residential area of the house where the family was. I quickly pulled my shirt up and started to draw the pistol while moving on my left side. The distance b/w me and the 1st guy was hardly 6-ft. When he saw me going for the pistol, he stretched his arm and started shooting. I took the hit on the right side of the chest and lost my balance and fell. Laying down, I returned fire at him. All 3 ran out. I had them in my sights so I fired some more shots. As soon as they were out of the vision, I ran upstairs , reloaded and told my wife that I have been shot and lets go to hospital.

I was so panicked that I was not able to think of anything else other than getting to the hospital as most of the casualties happen here because of blood loss hence my ultimate goal now was to reach for getting medical aid. Also things are different here and we can't really rely on the emergency numbers because they take ages to come. I went back downstairs, and drove to the nearest clinic. I could feel the wetness of blood on my shirt and also started to feel the pain of gunshot wound. I reached the emergency ward, told the medics that I have been shot. Usually most private clinics and hospitals here do not take such cases because of the legal issues but may be because I was in a stable state, they inspected me and my wound. It turned out that the bullet struck almost parallel to my body on the right chest, traveled inside around 4-5 inches parallel to the ribs and then exited. I was shot from a distance of a mere 4ft and I had carbon deposits in the entry and exit wounds and other minute scratches which were may be from the unburnt propellant hitting me or what, I am not really sure about it.

They entry wound was quite small but the exit wound was around 1 inch in diameter. The bleeding was not severe as well. This made me quite relaxed but the pain was increased many folds in intensity. My wife meanwhile contacted the ambulance and I was shifted to a proper hospital of the city where they treated me and I was released the very next day.

At that time I could not possibly tell whether I hit any of them but my cousin told me that there was some blood near the road which ofcourse could not be mine. (Later I got to know from some other sources that 2 of them were non-critically hit in the arms/ back/ legs) The police came, took my statement and I registered the FIR (First Investigation Report) against the usual "unknowns" for attempted murder and robbery.

I am thankful to Allah that I was saved miraculously. The wounds took 4-6 weeks later but the marks are still there and probably would never go away. I recovered the bullet the very next day from the porch stuck in the thick wooden door, a .30 caliber. The bullet was not deformed at all and could almost be reloaded.

The whole incident got me pretty shaky and I went on extra high alert due to the fear of retaliation from them which may or may not ever happen. I hope there are lessons for all of us in this story.

I would really like to get feedback on this from all of you and will appreciate any critical comments and tactical mistakes that I might have made except the "You should have complied" thing because when they are inside the home, I think we should expect the worst specially when we have ladies in the family and act according to it.

And yes, no news from police regarding success in the suspects being caught yet although they ran on foot leaving their bike on my door step.

Moreover, our laws are a little different than yours but it is still very clear that the law support home owner in such cases and deadly force is justified when there is : threat of death or great bodily injury, rape, abducting, night time burglary, armed robbery.

thanks for sharing your story. You don't mention where you are from. You mentioned that the laws are different where you are. I can't imagine calling "911" here in the states and telling them you've been shot by home invaders and the police not coming immediately, followed by EMS services.

Not knowing your culture or laws, it makes it difficult to respond. Most of these forum members attempt to give feedback based on what is acceptable by law - for a given scenario.

To me, the one universal truth is that you have to take care (protect) your family. You did that - and did it well. I applaud your efforts. While being shot, you maintained your composure enough to thwart the bad guys. If they had been successful in killing you, I hate to think what would have happened to the ladies in your house. I don't think anyone on this forum would criticize your actions.

I hope that your resolve is that much stronger to maintain the security of your home/family - you did well.

Look at the left column, under his screen name; his location is listed, just as yours and mine are.

(Karachi, Pakistan for the OP)
My friend, in reading your previous posts, I have to say that you are living in a very dangerous area. You have been the victim of crime many times. Is all of Pakistan like that or is your city worse than others?
Also glad that you are doing OK. I am guessing it is much more difficult to get proper healthcare/aftercare for a GSW in Pakistan than it is in places such as Europe and the US. You might consider investing in some kind of a serious Trauma kit; they are not that much money.

Unless these bad guys had a reason to go after YOU (they know something with a lot of value is in your home etc) I doubt they will be back after you unloaded some lead at them. I would like to thing bad guys are the same the world over; they would rather rob a weak unarmed target than a target they know to be armed, arert and ready.

Some other food for thought; if there IS a reason for these people to target you, maybe you are a high profile person; you have lots of valuables around etc you might consider investing in some body armor for you and your loved ones.
I do not know if vests are legal in Pakistan or not but I would imagine they can at a worst case be found "under the table". It might be time to invest in an upgrade of your firepower too; if owning rifles like fully or semi-automatic AK type rifles is legal and you expect the bad guys to be coming back it would probably be a good idea to have one or two at the ready in your home.
Thanks for the responses guys, really appreciate it.

Well, Karachi is a city of 20 million people. Most of the criminal gangs operate under the umbrella of various political parties. At this time, Pakistan and some of its cities e.g. Karachi and Quetta are going through the worst time ever. Terrorism, economic issues, criminal activities, target killings and highly intolerable political environment and rivalries.

I live in a well off area of Karachi. I consider myself better than most but I am definitely not a high profile person. I also keep a low profile. I have lived all my life here (31 y/o now). I find it a great place to live in but I have seen the bad things too. There are many areas I would not even think to go to. I have been in 2 SD and 2 HD Scenarios. In one I had to comply and just lost a mobile phone and wallet. In 1 HD Scenario (which happened in other house where I used to live some 10 years ago or so.) I managed to make three robbers flee with the help of my car's anti burglary alarm. In the rest of the 2 I had to use firearms. I don't know if thats too much for a lifetime but living here, I guess I might have to face such things again (God Forbid).

My current house is on a main road. Every type of Tom, Dick and Harry use this road. I strongly believe I was not a target or that it was not a pre-plan attempt. It was just a random selection based on my blunder to keep the main gate open for a little more than it should be. The group of thugs must have been passing by and saw an opportunity.

Full Auto weapons and Semi Auto rifles(except .22 cal) come under the category of PB (Prohibited Bore). Government issues a very restricted quota and its really hard to get their permits without some contacts and a heavy pocket but definitely not impossible. A decent AK-47 is definitely on my wishlist but right now I don't have above means to get it. Vests are a good option although they are restricted items as well and hence can't really count on it.
Stay safe and good luck getting your AK(s) and Vest(s). I never did understand why a country would control body armor; even MORESO than guns criminals who want it will get it. If you already deny a people the right to own many types of firearms the least you could do is let them wear bullet resistant vests.
Would it be hard for you to get a good pump shotgun? Sounds like semi-auto rimfires are OK? Maybe you could get a Ruger 10/22, 25 rd. mag with CCI Velocitors is no joke.