Attempted Carjacking news video clip

They make it seem as if legal justified shootings by law-abiding citizens are few & far between. Are they really that rare compared to illegal shootings?
In California we(those who are not left-wing celebrities) are suppposed to call the police and let them take car of it.

Oh wait....:mad:
I'm suprised he even got a chance to draw his weapon but i guess dumb BG's just pushed his luck too far... I think the guy did everything in his power not to shoot the guy, I think i would have been thinking about my gun the entire time to find a chance to get it out... I wouldn't let anyone take my Lightning (Ford version of that truck)
Great video...

Wish that would have aired across the state in Illinois! Stupid Democrats still wont let us have concealed carry. How about the example at the beginning: "People will be shooting each other over parking spots." What a bunch of idiots! I swear people think guns automatically turn everyone into ruthless killers. Why would anyone shoot someone for a parking spot. Is the good parking spot worth the rest of your life in jail? No it's not and everyone in their right mind could come to that conclusion, even with a gun on them. Robbery, murder, and sensless violence are nothing new. People forget these things have been around for all of time. For the anti-gunners that means even way before guns believe it or not.
That was a good report and very unbiased considering how the media usually is with this topic. I remember that being reported when it happened. That occured within 5 miles of where I used to live. It happened in a pretty rough neighborhood too. Really strange that someone with a high end truck like that, with the Viper V-10 motor no less, washing his truck in a "not so pleasant" or safe for that matter, neighborhood. I mean, I wouldn't go there in broad daylight armed to the teeth!

In any case, I'm glad to hear he survived. Trucks can be replaced. I did like the police's account... "It was his fourth, and LAST, car jacking..."