
Harry Bonar

New member
Dear Sirs:
I have an article on preparing Mauser (and other) actions for re-barreling; especially the 98 Mauser,
I have it on a floppy disk and when I try yo "attatch" it it says "invalid file type."
If you feel it would benefit the forum how do I attatch it?
Thanks very much Harry Bonar
If you e-mal it too me I will see what type of file it is and if I am able to convert it for you. It should atach to an e-mail okay. Use as the address as it will collect and store large files.

Bill Zollo

BTW, are you making Shot this year? If so, I'd like to meet.
Me too, Harry. I will be there hanging around wirh SHOOT! Magazine and the Caspian Booth. I would like to chat with you about your 1911 work.

Dear Shooters:
Thank you so much; I don't know too much about this Netscape e-mail but I think you've got two coppies :o
I should have gone to the shot show, yes, but I'm planning to go to Big Pine Key fishing in May and June so the money weill only stretch so far. Good shooting to you guys! And thanks again; call anytime!