Attack on the First Amendment?


New member
I just caught a quick blurb on the radio news at work today and I'm not sure I heard it right. If anyone has more info please post...

What I thought I heard was:

A Columbine High School student was ARRESTED today because he SAID he ought to finish the jod that the other two had started.

While I agree that such a statement is cruel and inflamitory, is it grounds for arrest? What was the charge? If he directed the statement to an individual I can see an assault charge but if it was a general statement, I can't see an arrest.

What gives?

Yeah I heard it too...

Not exact, but they charged the kid with something like...conspiracy to incite riot and to commit bodily injury.

Then, the local PD Chief made a statement about, yes it may seem harsh, but if just one kid gets the message then harsh is good. Recall Klebold and Harris had killed themselves and been dead for an hour before this guy had his people go in and "save the day".

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Oh yeah...I keep forgetting. It's ok to trample the Constitution as long as we do it "for the children" and "if it saves just one life, isn't it all worth it" - I'll post again later when I quit throwing up.

Okay People,

There is and have been continuing attacks on upon many of the BILL OF RIGHTS Articles.

The 1st Amendment. What, exactly, do you think Polictically correct speach, and hate crime law is all about?

The 2nd Amendment. Duh. You and I know that only unarmed Serfs (Peons) are good Serfs.

The 4th Amendment. AS in Warrantless searches of Public Housing, and lest we forget the Republican House Passed HR666 that would have basicly taken us back to the old Writs of Assitance days. Thank the Lord the Senate tabled it.

The 5th Amendment. Only little probing attacks here so far, but there is a growing trend (in media) to assume guilt of anyone that refuses to answer a question.

The 6th Amendment. In that the jury system has been corrupted and there is a move afoot to limit jury trails.

The 9th Amendment. Is being perverted to mean that some have a RIGHT to FREE; Housing, medical, Dental, food, hell fill in the blank, and the rest of us have the right to pay for it.

The 10th Amendment. Has been nearly dead since the 1860's but did show a little energy a few years ago, so expect renewed attacks on it in the near future.

Fact is the Constitution is under attack not just the 2nd Amendment. We know that the Second is the Cornerstone, but believe me the damage is not just there.

We have to get the whole Constitution back into the schools and into the American mind.

If you don't think its that bad? Here is a little tid bit for you, 30% of American High School Seniors, and College Freshmen thought,
"From each acording to his ability, to each acording to his need." was part of the Constitution.

Either these kids need better education or I do. Cause I never knew that Karl Marx was one of the Founding Fathers of this Country.

[This message has been edited by Raymond VanDerLinden (edited October 22, 1999).]
Hey Raymond, Where'd you get the 30% figure? If it's substantiated, it would make a good quote to use.
Don't forget the confiscation and sale of your private property before a Grand Jury indictment. (Ref the earlier threads about confiscating cars of "dopers".)