Attack! Attack! Attack! The best defense is ...

Jeff Thomas

New member
The RKBA seems to have been on the defensive so long. But, there are those people and organizations who have been striking back with offensive in addition to or instead of defensive moves. For example, the CCW (concealed carry weapon permit) laws in various states, attempts to strengthen preemption of state laws (re: RKBA, over local restrictions), and SAF's recent lawsuit against various traitorous governors.

The anti-self defense movement is continually hammering the RKBA with attacks from every angle. What other pro-rights bills and ordinances should we be pushing in our various states and cities?

Regards from AZ
National CCW Reciprocity and "Shall Issue" CCW laws in all states.

That will have the Chicken Little antis running around in so many circles, they won't have time to ban the .50 cals or any other "reasonable" gun control.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
Jeff, Honestly, somebody needs to be out there countering missinformation. Semi-autos are normal and not machine guns for example. We need to stop cowering and hold the tool high and say what it is! It is a simple modern rifle. If we hide behind in horror of the descriptions that HCI attaches to these guns, their definition is all that will be heard and accepted. Hold em high and explain. Disarming is not a viable option. If our mutual explainations are still unacceptable, we both know the alternative.
I appreciate the comments. My main point of this was that one of our strategies needs to be to bury the anti's in pro-RKBA legislation - as another one of our strategies. They've kept us on the run too long - can't we put the shoe on the other foot, and make these b******s defend against us for a change? And, if so, what else can we push in our legislatures that we are not pushing now?

Yes, I agree that education is a necessary strategy. But, so is legislation, civil disobedience, lobbying various civil groups, demonstrating the absurdity of gun buybacks, etc.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited January 04, 2000).]
Jeff, I said this in another thread also.

If the GOP would attach such legislation to every crime bill or other bills, it would make an impact. I'm always surprised that the attachment strategy is used to force other things people want but not RKBA issues.