Atlanta Gun Sting


New member

An undercover operation in Atlanta resulted in the arrest of 49 suspects and the recovery of 400 firearms. To me this is the type of operation that we should be focused on which targets criminals who have guns. Most of the guns were stolen and the individuals were involved in a variety of other crimes.

This seems much more productive than focusing on legitimate business owners or elaborate multi-country stings that cannot be managed properly. We know most gun crime is committed by persons who acquire guns illegally, so let’s focus on them. I know the theory has been to focus on the source, but the Chief of Police admitted the source is robbery.
That is exactly what the ATF and other officials should be doing. The "gun violence" problem can be solved with existing laws, we do not need "new laws" we just need to enforce the ones we have.
You'll be happy and relieved to know that all 400 of those firearms have been sent to Mexico in an effort to combat crime there... :rolleyes:
When I watched the news they ran the same story and the reporter stated, “… a large percentage were automatic weapons…”. Well, I have not seen a detailed inventory, and I realize that in theory there could have been some automatic weapons involved. However, it is more likely he was referring to semi-automatic weapons.

I always wonder when politicians, community organizers, and media types make this common misstatement is it an intentional ploy to deceive the public or simply intellectual laziness. :confused:
BarryLee said:
I always wonder when politicians, community organizers, and media types make this common misstatement is it an intentional ploy to deceive the public or simply intellectual laziness.

It is proof that the Brady brainwashing campaign has been fruitful. The anti's have taken the high ground, in so abusing terminology that most people who are not "gunnies" simply do not know the difference between "automatic" and "semi-automatic," and do not know that only automatic rifles are "assault rifles."
However, it is more likely he was referring to semi-automatic weapons.
Actually, there are quite a few converted weapons on the streets in Atlanta. Most don't work well, or for long, but somebody's got a cottage industry going rigging up stuff.

You'll be happy and relieved to know that all 400 of those firearms have been sent to Mexico in an effort to combat crime there...
Yep, in fact, I participated. At the behest of Chris Cox, I rounded up some folks from the local Friends of NRA, and we packed them up and drove them to Tijuana. Don't tell the Washington Post.
You know after thinking about this a little more something occurred to me. The BATFE set up this store and put the word out that they would purchase stolen firearms. Then the criminals went out and stole guns to sell to the store. So, if the sting had never existed would the guns have been stolen in the first place? Who knows for sure, but it is something interesting to consider.
Barry Lee, interesting question. But I think the guns would have been stolen anyways.

I am sure one of the defendants lawyers will call this sting an effort to entrap people. But you can not entrap people who would obey the law.