atlanta GA project exile?


New member
soposedly atlanta is thinking of starting a project exile type program anybody else herd any thing on this what are your thoughts on it the good the bad and the ugly
All right - to let you know of what I think about Atlanta creating a project exile, let me tell you a little story...

During the Rodney King riots in Atlanta, a person was arrested for assaulting a cameraman and trying to steal his 35mm camera (profession-type equipment). This was done in full view of the arresting officer (basically, the BG had a hold on the camera strap and, after knocking the photographer down, was repeatedly punching the photographer, trying to make him let go). The arresting officer, who had many years of prior service as an LEO, and the cameraman show up for the court to testify against the perpetrator. The judge decides that the LEO and the photographer didn't perceive the situation correctly, and since the BG didn't intend to riot, it was okay to let him go. Charges dropped.

And they want to start a project exile??? In my opinion, it'll be a joke at best, an abusive system at worst.

BTW, I've know the LEO involved for 19 years & he's not prone to exaggeration. He quit shortly after.