Atlanta Friends of the NRA Dinner

Rob Pincus

New member
I'll be attending a Greater Atlanta Friends of the NRA Dinner next week, Tuesday the 18th. Apparently it is going to be a very nice dinner. Glock, Inc. is very involved, in fact, their head of sales is one of the co-chairman. They are going to have an auction and raffle, and I know the girls selling the tickets.... The Scenery will be acceptable.

If any of you are going to be there, let me know or introduce yourself at the event. I'll be the one surrounded by women and demanding things from the Glock guys...

Here is a link to get more info, but it might be the slowest site on the Internet:

Rob, With this latest cave in by the NRA, it would be very interesting to hear the topics of conversation and the scuttle butt at the Dinner.... how about a report when you return?

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?
As always I will offer a report of what my Cynical Ears heard and Often-Overly-Critical Eyes saw.

Believe me, I am going to this event for the raffle girls and my buddies at Glock a lot more than I am going because of any fervent swelling of NRA support. I haven't even renewed my mebership this year.. though I probably will at the dinner.

Sorry, I don't think these girls go for the Neo-Nazi look.

I'll introduce you to the G-men, they love it.

Get him, Rob! I lost him for a while in Maryland. Just asked around for the little skinhead. Everyone knew just who I was looking for. I'm gonna buy him a black duster so he will be inconspicuous.

I'm very sorry. My vehicle died on the way to the dinner.

Spartacus had to stay late at work, and since he's 185 miles away...

Sorry to miss you. Next time.

Sorry about that, buddy.
We were looking for ya. Gwen and Lynn were looking forward to seeing ya.. as were the wife and I.

My bad for not giving you a number to get in touch with us, we'd've sent someone for ya.....

I'm leaving town tomorrow, early.... we'll hook up next time.

BTW- I stopped in to see Bud yesterday, but he had a class to teach tonight.....