ATI FX 45 1911 experiences

I have had an ATI Mil Spec .45 for over a year. It is a great gun, very accurate, and reliable.

Recently, I installed an Advantage Arms .22 conversion kit for a “ commander” on this full size ATI frame. I have had no problems with this conversion kit and it functions just as well as the stock gun.

I think the ATI guns are a fantastic value and very well made.

Trooper Joe
I have a friend who has one and he's had no complaints from his so far. I haven't shot one so I cant say personally.
I had one for a year or two. The trigger pull was a bit heavy, and some nicer sights would have been okay. But the darn thing was quite reliable and pretty accurate. I think they are worth their selling price.
I think I paid $360 for mine several years ago. I really like it! Over only 200rnds or less the trigger broke in very nice- every bit as good as my Springfield RO. Shootability and my ability to group well with it astounds the daylights out of me. I just never figured an inexpensive Philippine 1911 would do so well. It still spent a lot of time as my EDC before this latest mess broke out and I started carrying full time my CZ P10C.