ATF visits to gun stores.

My favorite gun store will be visited by the ATF soon.
(do they visit every store?).

Do they measure gun barrel lengths etc and mostly check documentation?

If they are anything like 'our friends' at the FAA, documents will be checked but almost nothing operational.
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Back in 92 they went through my local shop in FL, tearing apart paperwork for a couple days. At the end they fined the hell out of him for some minor clerical. I believe it was a middle initial being used (or not) in place of a full middle name.
There are some folks in this world that have only an initial for a middle name. Wonder how that makes the ole jack boots feel? Might be interesting to see how they fair if they falsely fine my local gun shop for a perceived clerical error that is in fact not an error. Perhaps they might get the nasty end of the stick. One can only hope.