ATF Trace Protocol?

I got a call for a gun trace today. Nothing unusual: check the books, pull the 4473, fax it in.

I checked the books, and there was no entry under the disposition column. Then I checked the shelf, and the gun is still there. It never left the shop. The gun went from the manufacturer to a distributor, and from there it went to us, where it's been ever since.

Naturally, there's no 4473 to send in, and I called back and left a message explaining as much. It seems odd. Has anyone else had that happen?

Furthermore, why would a trace be issued in this situation?
I've never experienced it, but one scenario comes to mind: a gun with an altered serial number recovered from a crime scene.
Typo error.. the number got entered in wrong by one digit?

Happened to my wife when she went to renew her liscense she had a warrant for an outstanding ticket. Upon further review it was found that the drivers liscense was put in wrong by one number.