"ATF" the show...


New member
This sounds good (NOT!)

Is this timing or am I just being hyper-sensative? :)

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
ATF 120 min.
A pair of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms agents (Kathy Baker, Amy Brenneman) go after a gun-crazy militia group in this teleplay co-written by mystery maven Patricia Cornwell. Jay O. Sanders, Raphael Sbarge, Keith David. Ben Walker: Michael O'Neill. Reeve. Vincent Angell. Directed by Dean Parisot.

Cast: Amy Brennaman, Kathy Baker, Vincent Angell, Michael O'Neill, Keith David, Sarah Trigger, Mark Boone Jr., William Richert, John Philbin, Raphael Sbarge, Jay O. Sanders
Rating: TV-14, NR
Content: Strong/Coarse Language, Violence
Category: Movie, drama
Director: Dean Parisot

Date Time Channel
Mon 6 6:00 PM 15 KNXV


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!

Two BATF agents going after a gun-crazy malitia group? Not very true to life, right there, it should be 200 BATF agents going after a gun collector with a big piece of property they plan on taking. "We have knowledge, Your Honor, that he is growing tobacco on the property and is making wine in the basement, plus he has a gun collection worth about $250,000."

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
I got about 5 minutes into it and had to change the channel. I watched "Waco: The Rules of Engagement" for the second time last night and just couldn't take the BS propaganda.
Unfortunately I watched the whole thing. It made gun owners all seem like fanatics trying to over throw the government. Also surprise, surprise the ATF agents all looked to be made of gold. The ATF director was so anti gun it was incredible. She kept harping on the fact that no one needs a "street sweeper". Why is it that when the anti's see a gun they don't like it's always's "no one needs that kind of gun". Maybe I just WANT it. No logic no need just want. If we all based desires on need there would be a lot of companies out of business. Back on subject, the only thing the ATF director did good was take responsibility for WACO (that was a true work of fiction)
Watched the first 5 minutes...determined that it was nothing but prime time PROPAGANDA, and turned it OFF!

If you are yet to be convinced that the main stream media is tied into a vast conspiracy in America, just watch shows like that. The purpose is to "educate" America, or shall we say, "re-educate".

Interesting irony too. On ABC last night they ran a story about how inaccurate school text books are. How they (publishers) have purposely changed history to be politically correct. Wants to make the strongest stomach puke!
I only caught part of the last half hour of the show. When the "director" got up to speak in that courtroom setting I started thinking - okay, here comes Janet Reno's speach regarding past events.

It was interesting though when she said that the people/citizens were considering the FBI/ATF as enemies, and that the government needs to find another way instead of using the tactics used at Waco.

Like I said, I was busy with other stuff and only caught parts of it, so if I misquoted feel free to correct me.
I couldn't watch more than a minute of that piece of &#$(&$#@ before I wanted to punch my fist thru my TV. I can't believe that in light of recent Waco developments that ABC can so blatantly put on such a propaganda POS. "I think all gunowners are wacko, I dare you to challenge that statement." It's already the next morning and I'm still trying to calm down. #$*)%#)(%%). If there was any kind of justice, the ABC headquarter would be swallowed up by the ground and disappear from the face of the earth.
You might want to tell them how you enjoyed the show.[g]

Their e-mail is ktnv13@ktnv.com

I didn't see it but gave them a blast anyway. Maybe if they kept getting tweaked every time this pulled this crap, The Powers That Be Might reconsider -- they're all gutless anyway and as long as no one complains, they'll keep doing it. You'll probably get pap about the 1st Amendment rights, which gives a perfect segue into the 2nd in your reply.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
Some of you guys seem to be real gluttons for punishment.
I never got further than the listing in the TV guide.
I put on my special NRA decoder glasses and re-read the listing, and all I saw was:
BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS!!!
No one will ever be able to prove to me that Clinton and Reno didn't have something to with the making of that show.

I only watched 30 minutes but by then I was in danger of a heart attack. Hell, I got up this morning and was still mad. Took me a few minutes to remember what I was mad about.

"I couldn't believe American citizens would fire at government agents like that." This brilliant statement was from one of the actresses (and may not be exact) at the beginning of the show. Well ABC, I can't believe government agents would murder American citizens like that. Regardless of what they have done wrong.

As for the "street sweepers," how many of those have been used in crimes? I'll bet Lorcin has them beat by a couple hundred percent.

To all that have taken a leave of absence from TFL: I now completely understand why you have done so. The anger these people build in me can not be good for my health. I'm at the point where I no longer want to hear it. I'm not bowing out yet, but I'm tired of pounding on these keys, seemingly to no avail.
That show was a puff piece for BATF as well as being anti-gun propaganda. There are rumors that taxpayer funds went into its production (not just "technical advice").

It is NO coincidence that it appears when:

a. The administration wants more gun control
b. The BATF appropriations are under fire
c. The Waco issue is being reopened.

Write (no calls or e-mail) the network. Do not accuse them of anti-gun bias - they know they are biased.

Instead, take them to task for allowing an independent network to be used as a propaganda tool by the Government. Accuse them of being a mouthpiece for agencies that are under investigation for violations of civil and human rights. Ask them why they lend themselves to a blatant whitewash of federal excesses.

I don't know...it could be that they've had this turd in their pocket for a little while and decided that they'd better air it now, before it's completely obvious to everyone that the ATF IS the bad guy.

[This message has been edited by Destructo6 (edited September 07, 1999).]
I find it extremely interesting that in the 60's and 70's the Leftists hated and mistrusted the FBI,ATF,Justice Dept,etc.

Now the Leftists say they are all such wonderful, trustworthy agencies. And the propaganda is now geared to support it.

I guess it's perfectly OK when "those other people" are being attacked and killed.

Without the 2nd Amendment,the Declaration of Independence is an old post card and the entire Constitution is just notes from a bridge club meeting.
The wierd thing is that Patricia Cornwell, who supposedly wrote the screenplay, keeps a loaded .38 on her desk beside her computer when she writes. (I read an interview with her a couple of years ago in which she stated that she keeps it for self-defense in case some crazed fan breaks into her house.) She is also rumored to be a concealed weapon carrier in her home state of Virginia.

I tuned into part of the last hour of the film. The commercial interruptions were so numerous that I wondered as to what the point of the thing might have been, as there seemed more commercials than film.

Otherwise, there was a lady, one of the characters, thought she was some sort of agency official, who seemed to be "escorted" be what appeared to be a seeing eye dog. Later on in the film, she appeared with and without dark glasses, and once anyhow, she drove a car, or so it appeared.Interesting, I thought.

Otherwise, I think I will contact a casual acquaintance of mine, who happens to be an ATF supervisor, with a view to seeking employment. After all, what otherwise healthy guy could resist having a "company car", in which to have sexual intercourse with a reasonably good looking female co-worker? O.K., so I'm the proverbial "dirty old man". If you insist, I will grudgingly go and stand in the corner.
Sort of an "after thought", was last nights show a pilot for a series, or was it a one shot filler piece?
I did not have to see this government run propaganda show to know what trash it was. I wish I could get my wife to watch only the weather channel which is the only thing I watch on the Idiot Box. The corporate state is spinning Waco full blast now and the goy will lap it up like the cattle they are.Our enemies call us sheep and cattle and I am afraid they are correct. How many of the masses are intelligent like the people on the firing line and even we cant get a concensus on the evil of this corporate Bankster State which controls every facet of our lives. The elites control the papers,TV, and radio and all the so called conservative talk show hosts like Limbaugh, Liddy , Reagan, North,ad na`useum. Today I heard Clay Douglas complain that he cant get on mass media. A caller called in and said that if a patriot like Clay Daouglas could get his show on the "mainline Media", he would have to follow the party line(Government) and SCREEN his calls. The truth is on shortwave whether you want facts on our corrupt system or to listen to non government controlled preachers.
I posted this in a similiar thread over on AR15.com last.

Ok, I just finished watching the whole thing. Apparently no else watched the whole thing to the bitter end. At
the climax "almost" shootout, the leader of the "bad" guys spoke a heated piece about how the people have
come to fear a heavily armed and oppressive government. The EXACT same thing we say here. Then in the final
scene before the congressional committee, the ATF director comes right out and says that when the government
confronts citizens with violence that it only leads to more violence. And that there is something terribly wrong
when it comes to that. And that the government screwed up. She even took full responsibility for Waco ( are you
listening Reno ).

So there is the answer to why it was not publicized. The big message at the end of this movie is that our
government is out of control. I was to say the least very surprised that it was said in just those words. The first
90 minutes was uninteresting, but the last 30 minutes was about everything we here believe and fight for. And
may one day have to take up arms for. If any one taped it, I suggest you watch the last 1/2 hour again.
That movie was a turd, wasn't it?

I started to get mad, but it was sooooo stupid, my wife and I just kept laughing. The seeing-eye-dog was a bomb sniffer. Even the dog looked stressed that he was in such a stupid movie. I guess he smelled something that stinks. :)
I knew we were in trouble when I saw that the actress playing the director, was the same actress that was in "Picket Fences".
Actors that play painfully self-righteous roles (almost always liberal and anti-gun I might add) that always seem to make looooong winded speeches(usually in a courtroom)keep getting work for these kinds of roles, 'cause liberal Hollywood writers think they are such a good mouthpiece for there views oftentimes.

Sam Waterston(sp?) is another fine example. He could make the role of a retired proctologist self-righteous! ;) You think I'm kidding?

FWIW, check out some of these funny shows(Most Daring Police Shoot Outs,Part III et al.) with retared Shuruf Brunell.(sp?)
The pretty hair, the even prettier teeth, and that oh so faint feyness of voice that inflicts him and some on the left coast is hilarious, IMO. It would be worth an assault charge, but I would love to run up to him and give him a good dutch rub, just to mess up that hair. Ditto for Jack Lord, if he was still with us ;)

Also, Brunell appears to have a strong anti-gun bias. On some of the earlier shows, he would accompany some of the LEO's on a raid, and would have to comment long and loud whenever they found a firearm. "Who needs something like that?" or "What kind of people have this stuff?" or something along those lines.

God forbid he ever looked in my safe. He would get(hopefully) vapor lock. What a sweet pea....

P.S. I know. Now someone is going to post that they are a personal friend of Brunell's and that he is a life member, benefactor whatever with the NRA, and has more guns than the National Guard.
Yea. Right. Sure.