ATF - Registration of Multiple Firearms - TAKE ACTION

More pending/possible legislation needs your urgent attention. This time, it applies to all gunowners in the US.

We have not been able to verify this, though it was reported in the Washington Post, but the comment period for ATF's rifle registration program may well have been extended until 2/14/11. This, it appears, because Mayor Bloomberg and MAIG didn't get their comments in, in time. See full story here:

We need gun owners to really take up the slack. If you've commented, great. If you haven't, please, we need you to NOW. The email address and suggested comments are below. Please remember to sign your name. We can't afford to let Bloomberg or anyone else beat us on numbers.

Send your comments to or fax them to (202) 648-9640

Suggested Comments:

I am writing to oppose the so called emergency regulation to register multiple sales of certain rifles with BATFE as described in FR Doc. 2010-31761 from the 12/17/2010 Federal Register.

This regulation is both illegal and unnecessary. Further there is no justification for any "emergency" implementation as reported by the Washington Post:
White House delayed rule meant to stop gun flow to Mexico, Washington Post, Dec. 17, 2010, On-line edition:

* The regulation proposed is outside the statutory grant of authority to record information about multiple sales of firearms. Title 18 U.S.C. § 923(g)(3)(A) specifically grants the authority to collect multiple sale information on handguns and revolvers. Other firearms are excluded and there is no implied authority to extend this reporting requirement to rifles or any other type of firearm.
* "FFL" holders are already required by law to respond to BATFE requests for information on firearms distribution pursuant to criminal investigations: Title 18 U.S.C. § 923(g)(7).
* The regulation contains no provision for the destruction of information collected, which establishes a nationwide registry of "certain types of firearms" as proposed. Because of this the regulation as proposed is illegal under Title 18 U.S.C. § 926(a). "No such rule or regulation . may require that records required to be maintained under this chapter or any portion of the contents of such records, be recorded at or transferred to a facility owned, managed, or controlled by the United States or any State or any political subdivision thereof, nor that any system of registration of firearms, firearms owners, or firearms transactions or disposition be established."
There is a grave potential for this regulation to unduly burden citizens who are collectors or must obtain purchase permits at the local or state level to possess firearms. The proposed regulation does not say what the agency intends to do with the information but ostensibly it would be for criminal investigations. Subjecting law abiding gun owners to this type of investigation under the guise of "information collection" is an overt attempt to prevent them from exercising their 2nd Amendment rights to purchase and own firearms.

This regulatory action should not be approved.

The bulk of the above info has been taken from a post that I believe originated from a posting by vans40 on arfcom.

Also, if you haven't already, there is a form letter at GOA to "Ask your Representative to urge the Chairman of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee to hold hearings on the ATF."
I like how MSNBC was able to work all kinds of dubious allegations about firearms trafficking into Mexico in that story without saying a word about the Gunwalker allegations. :barf:
Just to bring this back up, with new info.

Earlier, there was an amendment to the appropriations bill that denied the ATF funding for this multiple Long Gun reporting.

That has now ended.

The newest iteration of the appropriations bill has had the language stripped. Everyone needs to get on their Reps to get the language amended back in.