ATF Preparing New Guidance on Foregrips and Modular Silencers

At a recent industry conference, ATF announced it was preparing to issue new guidance regarding vertical/angled foregrips and modular silencers. At issue is the precise angle that makes a foregrip angled vs. Nein! Verboten!

Likewise, the ATF appears to be planning to address the issue of modular suppressors - where do you have to engrave them, is it two or more suppressors vs. one modular one, etc. Given some of the past rulings on suppressor parts, that could get ugly if ATF doesn't reverse the last rulings.
Congress needs to de-NFA silencers. I expect this to happen right after Congress delivers health care legislation on Trump's desk.
Congress needs to de-NFA silencers. I expect this to happen right after Congress delivers health care legislation on Trump's desk.
So, by that we mean, right around never? Just kidding. Hard to resist swinging for the fences when you lob them in there like that.
Angled foregrip = murder death machine to which babies are sacrificed?

Thats for the heads up. Will make for interesting reading/arguing.
The agency is drowning in it's own bilge water and grabbing at straws trying to stay afloat in the face of legislation that will emasculate it's overbearing nature.
I am very thankful for this. I believe I saw an angled foregrip that was at a rather shocking angle last weekend at the range. I thought about calling the RSO over but I had to retreat to my safe space. I triggered with PTSD from that foregrip... hoping the BATFE/ATF can save lives with this important legislation work.
I've been told the HPA is part of some bundled up legislation to be passed when they return...

I'll believe it when I see it. Like getting DDTC out of gunsmithing....

We put these losers in control and get NOTHING. That old fart McConnell and Ryan need to go....
I've been told the HPA is part of some bundled up legislation to be passed when they return...

Since 2015, this has continually been "just around the corner," "going to be passed soon," "any day now," "it is on Trump's immediate agenda."

And here we sit.
tobnpr said:
We put these losers in control and get NOTHING. That old fart McConnell and Ryan need to go....

You got Alito, Roberts and Thomas and Scalia confirmed, and in this term Gorsuch. You got Heller and McDonald.

You got Gorsuch because McConnell exercised the leadership to say no to Garland and mostly keep repub senators in line.

We don't have the same idea of "NOTHING".

My optimism for the current HPA/SHUSH/SHARE effort is that I would not expect the current exec to veto them if they pass.
Congress needs to get a grip on the ATF and stop 'em making laws by regulation. Be nice if they were told to stop exporting their stupid ideas too.
"...on Trump's immediate agenda..." The Donald has far too many other things to deal with at the moment.
FITASC said:
Name a President that has to fight BOTH parties....

You asked the question. ;)
T. O'Heir said:
Congress needs to get a grip on the ATF and stop 'em making laws by regulation.
True, but barring that, one positive aspect of the recent SCOTUS appointment is that Gorsuch has historically exhibited little tolerance for regulatory overreach by federal agencies. IMHO this is a more promising aspect of his past jurisprudence than his limited 2A record.

Unfortunately, recent Congresses have tended to more often intervene against regulatory overreach reactively rather than proactively. :rolleyes:
" What's wrong with me attaching a support stock to my 9.5" 44mag wheel gun ???"

It all goes back to the "lawless" 20's and 30's. If you can't catch the crooks in the act, make possession of their "tools" a Federal offense. Never could really understand that. If you're already wanted for murder what's a minor offense like owning an illegal weapon going to do?
I'm really curious what they are going to rule on forward grips.

It's bizarre that pistols with forward grips are NFA at all. It doesn't seem to be the intent of the law as much as an oblique and strained interpretation of it. If anything, a pistol with a square hooked triggerguard should be more of an AOW than a pistol with an aftermarket grip on the rail.

Turk's leaked white papers suggest they may be running scared. On the other hand, every angle "is at an angle to the bore".

At any rate, I expect to be baffled and disappointed.