ATF kills party goers....


New member
in South Park. I LOVE that show. Residents of South Park were having a party to watch a meteor shower. ATF thinks it is a religious cult that is going to commit suicide. They even made the comment that they might have to shoot everyone. When two of the party goers decide to leave and go home they are machine gunned on the front porch. ATF is even teased about killing people and lying about it in Waco. Update: they just gunned down about 8 more people.
Thanks a lot you two. You've tempted me to start watching TV at home again.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Darn! I was gonna start a thread on that!

That was a good one! If you haven't seen it, check Comedy Central's homepage for times in your area.

We're gonna stop 'em [from committing suicide] even if we have to kill them all!
-Head ATF guy

And watch out for the Negotiator!

Beginner barbarians probably had the idea that every house they broke into would be full of untouched loot and frightened, unarmed victims. It just doesn't work that way, my friend.
That was a riot! A real slam on the ATF. Have you seen the movie? I thought it was funny but don't take your kids!
Of course I've seen the movie!!!

One commentator said something like 'If there's ever been a more poignant statement made about our first amendment rights, the person who made it is probably languishing in a dungeon somewhere.'

Seriously, it's not for the kids. The show isn't either. Stone & Parker said they wanted to make a statement about censorship. The crude language and "adult situations" drove the censors nuts, but they never said a word about the bloody war scene at the end.

Now, if I can ever get that Terence & Philip song out of my head...
I watch it when I can get a cable feed, but I also d/l all episode on real audio. The movie is such a great social commentary. you'd never expect something so deep from a cartoon, unless it was animaniacs, simpsons, or south park.

and the guys are from colorado too also. Your telling me that Columbine didn't make all Coloradians afraid of guns wow thats mind boggling
Since somebody else brought up "The Simpsons"...

Did you ever see the episode where Homer gets a handgun? Marge leaves, he goes through the house putting out the lights - by shooting them out. I thought I was going to have to quit watching the show until he hosted the gunowners meeting. Turned out to be a statement about responsible firearms ownership...

Then there's Animaniacs...
Drill Sgt: I will make you agents of destruction!
Yakko: But we don't want to work for the Post Office.
Wakko: Yeah, we want to work for a living...

Then there was an episode of Casper (the Spielberg version)
Casper: I was working on my train scare...
Uncle #1: Trains aren't scarey.
Uncle #2: I don't know...You ridden AMTRAK lately?

That *is* amazing, isn't it?

Immediately after Columbine, gun stores in Colorado Springs increased their inventories. Why? Because they KNEW there would be some bullsh!t law passed, and people would buy more guns while they still could.

The reaction here was, "Yeah, that sucks, but disarming the rest of us won't bring the kids back." Mayor Webb, with his "We don't want you here" speech to NRA, is full of it.

There were two separate incidents here last week involving kids with guns. In one, a teenager killed her mother. In the other, three kids, ages 15 and 16, killed another kid in a robbery.

No hue and cry about "we must DO SOMETHING about this!" We ARE doing something about it: charging the killers as adults. The parents of the murdered kid said, "If the killers are charged as juveniles, what kind of message does that send to other kids? They'll think it's OK and nothing will happen if they kill someone too."

FWIW, I've visited South Park. Yes, it's a real town, and it's seriously weird. Nothing visible, but there's a kind of odd feel to it, like it's a colony of Pod People.

Ignorance is takin' over,
We gotta take the power back.
--Rage Against The Machine
Funny thing about the movie censors, they apparently never figured out that the title of the movie was a double entendre ;)
Up to about 2 weeks ago I had Every SP episode on my computer - could watch the full show...

Took up a heck of a lot of space - After watching them repeatedly... I deleted them.
Had to get rid of The Matrix too... :(

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


Actually the show is about Conifer, where the authors grew up, but they didn't think that a show named Conifer would sell.Trey Parker attended Evergreen High, where my oldest daughter goes, and her freshman English teacher was Trey's roommate in college. Trey was the keynote speaker at Evergreen High's graduation this year, he started by saying "I don't think that the people who asked me to speak have ever seen our show...." Favorite bumper sticker in Evergreen - I don't brake for Kenny.

[This message has been edited by motorep (edited July 22, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by motorep (edited July 23, 1999).]
From what I have read, some scenes that were suppose to be in the SP movie had to be cut out to make the rating. If this is true, I sure hope the director's cut makes it to video/LD/DVD. One copy will be mine.

One interesting subject brought up during the 'Blame Canada' musical segment was the issue of fires/matches. The line went something like :'should we blame the fire or the matches' This really IS an interesting topic. Should, in a case of arson, match and lighter manufacturers be held liable for the crime? Hmmm, sounds familiar.

- Ron V.

well its all terrence and phillips fault if only they never made "asses of fire" kenny would never have died. (what you mean kenny died in the movie too thanks now you've ruined it for everyone else)
of course its the match manf. fault. because they sold the light in a place with less strict laws regarding lighter/matches knowing that it would eventually end up in the hands of an arsonist in NYC. we should blame zippo and bic for all the arson that are started by lighter/match.
The lyrics of the Blame Canada song go
"should we blame the matches?/should be blame the fire?/or should be blame the doctors that let him die?/ NO BLAME CANADA "

but I don't know if you catche this, but at the end of the song they way, we need blame somebody before everyone blames us.
its kinda sad, but thats the type of attitude many people in this country have.

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?