ATF issues warning of more IED's in trail cameras


With the worldwide jihad that's been called, im not sure its going to be "resolved" with anything less then a total effort.

Hunters beware!! As Elk (archery) seasons opens in my neck of the woods, im going to keep an extra keen eye open for game cameras.
Near as i can determine, this was first reported by the state police in June, 2016.

The good news:

The perp was caught. He tried to escape and was killed.

From the link at the OP:

During an attempt to have Sawaf find the remaining devices in Harlan County, he attempted to escape and was fatally shot.

The bad news:

There may be more booby trapped game cameras in the area.
Why in the world was someone putting bombs in cameras and tree stands? is this some sort of ted kazinski nutcase?
The responsible individual was arrested and attempted to escape while showing law enforcement agents the remaining cameras/IEDs.
Since he tried to grab an officer's firearm during the escape, he is no longer alive.

If you don't live in Harlan County, Kentucky, I'd say this is pretty low on the worry list.
Not a very effective location for a terror weapon. Nor an ideal triggering mechanism. With the knowledge he had, or should have had, it shouldn't have been too difficult to wire the switch into the cameras' motion sensors that tell it to take a picture. Then again I suppose getting a premature det on a squirrel wasn't what this dirtbag was going for. Glad he is no longer amongst us.
I am making the assumption that this guy was Booby trapping cameras that he located out in the wild. There are hundreds of motion sensor products that would serve identical purposes for a fraction of the price that maybe could be jiggered to detonate explosives if he was intent on killing random people.

One thing that briefly came to mind was that it would be a stupid way to hunt deer. Even so, trip wires mat have been simpler. Granted, he would not have had a face detonation.
We'll have to worry about copycatters for the time being. People have been known to put straight-up sticking nails in mud puddles on horse trails in some of Maryland's state parks. One of those is where I go turkey and deer hunting, where I talked to Maryland Natural Resources police officer {about 20 years ago}, who busted a pot grower there, that had his marijuana field on state park property; which had a loaded trip-wire shotgun mounted on a tree overlooking his plants.
I don't know if you have ever seen caltrops.
From wikipedia

These things have been used for centuries against people and horses. A smith could turn out hundreds in a day. They would be scattered out like mines. Anyone who wanted to could put those together in a garage with a bit of welding skills.

We recently had some SOB tossing them along the roads here.

Can you believe that these are sold on Ebay?
The things were generally about 1 inch or 2, or a little larger. Imagine it. It makes me hurt just thinking about it.

That would disable a horse and maybe the thing would wind up permanently lame after infection.
In the hills we call these "Jack rocks". They were used a lot back in the coal mining Union/striking days. Usually made by taking two nails, bending them into right angles and welding them together. I remember my dad losing a lot of tires to them.
A few years back, there was some moron booby-trapping public hunting land by digging holes on trails regularly used by hunters, lining the bottom with sharpened lengths of re-rod and covering them over with grass. It was believed he was trying to keep other hunters out of "HIS" hunting area, or just got a thrill from hurting random folks. This was before the days of pot "grows" and remote meth labs. Never was caught, but there were warnings posted similar to the one about the trail cams. Lots of sick folks out there just looking for a way to display their sickness. One needs to be aware of this whenever something does not seem right, even in the woods.