ATF Form Definitions for SBR


New member
Hi Everyone,

I want to register a p556 as an SBR. I want my rifle to turn out like this:


I am a bit confused about the ATF forms needed to accomplish this. I have read about form 1 and also form 4, I don't really understand the difference. As for the number of forms, my understanding is as follows:

I will need one form for the SBR registration, and another for the Silencer. is that correct?

Could someone clarify the difference between the form 1 and form 4 or suggest a thread that goes over this?

OK. From what you are talking about, I presume that you are going to purchase a SIG pistol and add a stock to it. This requires a Form 1, which is application to make an NFA weapon. Bear in mind that you will need to make application to, and receive approval from, BATF before you can procede with the conversion. Cost is $200.00

The Form 4 is the form that you use to actually purchase an NFA item, such as your silencer. It is also submitted to BATF for approval. That is something that whomever you use to do the transfer of the silencer will provide to you, hopefully with instructions. That is an additional $200.00.

Your friendly neighborhood SOT3 holder/dealer ("Class III" dealer) should have the necessary forms, or you can contact BATF directly and they will send you the necessary forms. Be sure to specify that you need one set for making an NFA weapon (your SIG) and another for purchasing/transferring (your silencer).
If you are going to MAKE a SBR/SBS/Silencer/AOW you use a "Form 1." Google 5320.1 and you'll come up with a BUNCH of places to download it off the internet.

Send in a check for $200, a pair of completed Form 1's printed front and back both with original signatures in ink, and a Certificate of Compliance (google 5330.20), and your fingerprint cards, then wait for the form to come back.

You can now build your SBR. Note: You will need to engrave the receiver properly to be in compliance with the SBR marking rules.

If you are going to BUY a SBR/SBS/Silencer/AOW you use a "Form 4." Google 5320.4 and you can download it as well. Go to the Local Class III/SOT dealer, pick out your suppressor and pay for it.

You need to send a check for $200, a pair of completed Form 4's front and back each with original signatures in ink, and a certificate of compliance (5330.20), and your fingerprint cards and wait until the Form 4 comes back to the dealer. Your dealer will contact you to tell you it came in. Then you can go pick up your Suppressor.

*If you are using a Trust, LLC/Corp, your paperwork requirements change a little bit. You do not need your passport sized photos, CLEO signoff, or fingerprint cards. You will need a copy of your trust, or your LLC certificate, or equivalent.

**It has been suggested that the google links I provided may be condesending. It isn't my intent to do so, but the code for LMGTFY is much easier for me to remember than the google search page code. I mean no insult what so ever. Computers are NOT related to my work, so I try to keep it simple.

***Have you considered using the side folder RIFLE as a SBR project? I would think having the capability of FOLDING the stock would be a nice option for a SBR. Especially considering it would still be functional with the stock folded.

Just a thought.
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Yes, I have considered that. Is it more difficult to do that? I know that on most folding stocks, you can attach the stock to the lower so it is not swinging around. Is this possible with the standard p556 lower? Or do I just have to get a special type of folding stock? Thanks for the info!
Thank you, guys as you've been very helpful. Like Anthony, I am wanting to make an SBR. I have an Uzi Pistol, and purchased a folding stock. However, knowing the laws I need to apply and get approved before adding the stock to the firearm.

I have a Form 1, and am ready to complete it. I have read the front and back. It is very apparent that is it much easer to register it with my LLC than provide photos, fingerprints and chief sign off. I have my CHL and remember how much trouble it was going through the process. :)

It is not clear on these forms what is required to register it with my LLC. Can someone point me in the right direction?
drpruitt said:
Thank you, guys as you've been very helpful. Like Anthony, I am wanting to make an SBR. I have an Uzi Pistol, and purchased a folding stock. However, knowing the laws I need to apply and get approved before adding the stock to the firearm.

Actually, if you have an Uzi Pistol AND have a folding stock, wether you put it on the pistol or not, you are in constructive posession of a Short Barrel Rifle. If it ISN'T REGISTERED, then it is an illegal Short Barrel Rifle.

Did you get your answer for your form 1 question yet?

I went to the ATF website and downloaded the PDF from this page. The form I use for constructing a SBR is 5320.1.

I'll give you the line by line of how I filled it out. I'll put the field number and what I wrote in the field for the process I used.
1. Checked box A. Tax Paid.
2. Checked box Corporation or Other Business Entity.
3a. Trade Name: Entered the name of my LLC as it shows on the Certificate from the state.
3b. Company name with address of record. Matches the Certificate from the state.
3c. Left blank.
3d. County of the address in 3a.
3e. My current phone number.
4a. Spike's Tactical Apopka, FL (Exactly as it appears on the Receiver.)
4b. Short Barrel Rifle
4c. 5.56 Nato. (My understanding is even if you plan on making multiple calibers, you need to put in ONE caliber.)
4d. Model: ST-15 (Exactly as it appears on the receiver.)
4e. 7.5". (Measure by putting a cleaning rod into the end of the barrel against the closed bolt face to the end of the barrel. DO NOT include the length of the flash hider/threaded muzzle device unless it is permanently pinned to the barrel.)
4f. 27.75" Length from the muzzle of the barrel to the end of the stock with the stock fully extended. Of course you CAN NOT build the gun to get that measurement. What I did was measure from the front of the barrel to the back of the receiver, and then the back of the receiver to the end of the stock while extended and added those together.
4g. Serial number as it appears on the receiver.
4h. Any other engraving on the lower. Be as specific as you want to.
4i. "All legal purposes."
4j. NO. (This rifle has never been on t he NFA Registry before now.)
5. I don't have a Federal Firearms License. I left this blank.
6a. I left this blank as well. I actually called the BATFE. I am registering this rifle to my LLC, so I wondered if I needed an EIN for my LLC before I could get the application done. I was told this is ONLY for FFL's. Other LLC's need not fill this out.
6b. As noted in 6a. This was left blank as well.
7. My Signature.
8. My printed name. Partner, of "Goofball enterprises", LLC
9. Today's date
Also note that on form 1 guns the name,city,state of the maker of the new firearm must be engraved on the receiver or barrel of the new weapon.

Yes you can register it to the LLC but it is the property of the LLC not yours. The LLC must be kept going for ever. It if was a personal item it can be left tax free in your will to a lawful heir.
The LLC must be kept going for ever. It if was a personal item it can be left tax free in your will to a lawful heir.

As both are an option for me, I had been wondering what the practical difference would be between using the LLC and a Trust ... am I correct in thinking that going the trust route would eliminate both of these issues?
