ATF busts shipment of airsoft guns--said they can be converted to machine guns?

It seems ludicrous to suggest that a plastic gun can be made to shoot bullets (or full auto). Or for that to be a reason to confiscate them. Ive seen these toys before, are they that dangerous?
would be nice if you could convert one into a real gun.... i would have saved aprox 1100 bucks on my Deagle by getting the plastic one and coverting it.. :eek:
Haaaa Haaaaaa

Some agents are going to need reconstructive facial surgery if they try Real ammo in those............
Absolute rubbish on the part of our friend at the office of fine party materials...There is no likelihood that those guns are built with upper and lower that have AR type attaching points.

Even less likely that the barrel would handle the pressures of powder discharge. Nor would any other component.

Did I mention that these guns are are designed to take a plastic ball and hurl it out the barrel?

Does anyone else doubt that they have a chamber suited to even take a .223/5.56 cartridge? Go ahead and machine one to do this and fire it... Lemme know how that works for you or have your next of kin come on here and post the results...:rolleyes:

On second thought, I think the Taiwanese shops have just found a way to put AR15/M-16's into our hands at a drastically reduced price. This is gonna put a bunch of American rifle makers out o' bidnezz.
I need to order me one... Finally an AR even my uneducated redneck butt can afford. Now to find affordable ammo for my new lead slinger!
These dangerous weapons have reaked much havoc on soldiers, just ask this guy:



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Another point of note was the fact that the "party favors" agent said "military grade weapon" did ya'll know beer burns the sinus and nasal region pretty bad when it is ejected at high velocity when hearing such statements about Taiwanese toys?

I bet the goobermint could save loads of dough by buying these and converting them for our folks in the desert!:D
Yes that vid has been around for quite a few years but with so many copies on the www. why pick the one posted by "aryanbrother"? With the whole "talk about killin' 2 birds with one stone" thing?
Actually guys....

I have been big into airsoft for a number of years, and they have these new rifles coming out lately that use a gas blowback (GBB) mechanism. These GBB M4s have internal parts that are almost identical to a real M4. Now the airsoft upper wouldn't be able to fire real ammunition, but I am wondering if it is possible that a real AR upper could be modified to fit the airsoft lower receiver with a full auto control group... Watch the following vid, and tell me it doesn't look just like a real M4 lower...

The relevant part is at 0:42

Now this news story apparently happened a year ago, so I'm thinking that if there were any real concerns with a conversion, we'd all know about it by now...
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Yup, my first thought was that the lower was precisely enough made that a real upper could be put on. I initially just thought "unserialed, untraceable AR" but someone else here made the leap to full-auto capability as well.
Careful you don't let your kid take that guy to school, or he'll have a criminal record for life!

Not in our schools. My son used army guys like that on his valentine box he is 7, he had the theme "Act of love" and his cousin just got back from Iraq (Marine) so he used this theme and I was kinda thinking he may get in trouble but not a bit. Thank God for Iowa country schools :) some folks do have common sense...

Funny bout them air soft guns.
Confiscating something due to its potential to become illegal doesn't make any sense whatsoever. That would be like raiding the shoe store since all those shoe laces could be made into machine guns :rolleyes:. Or impounding cars that were capable of speeding, arresting women because they could be converted into prostitutes, or raiding grocery stores and hardware stores for selling materials you could use to cook an illegal drug or make an explosive device, etc. I don't think this would hold up in court if the owner of the shipment pursued the issue.
Careful you don't let your kid take that guy to school, or he'll have a criminal record for life!

Not an issue in our school either. Toy soldiers are fine. Our teachers are encouraged to open or concealed carry, and sometimes the students take firearm safety and appreciation class where they can bring their own guns.:)

I live in Connecticut and was wondering, when you say the teachers are encouraged to open and concealed carry, do you mean at school? Or in their private lives? I was under the belief that guns were not allowed on school property.
Don't get me wrong, I think it would be great to see shooting sports, firearm safety, and appreciation of firearms brought back to schools. Or did I miss some sarcasm there and you Home School?
Yes, I was being sarcastic because we homeschool.;) You are correct that guns are not allowed on school property. Hopefully no confusion created on my part.