at what point will i get law enforcement support?


New member
edit - thanks for the info everyone but it appears that my stalker has been able to find me on some of my more frequent forums and now i getting more b.s. though private messages.
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Tell your ships Captain the whole story including the attempts to get your watch schedule from the SHIP'S quarterdeck. Surly someone there can collaborate the story and a log entry probably exists.

Fire with fire, someone is playing the system, time to step up the stakes.
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If you can find a way to record these threats, that would probably be a big help later on. The legalities of threatening statements are murky and filled with technical requirements and pains in the keister. I bet cops are not exactly overjoyed when they have to deal with it.

You may want to do a pile of reading on your state's law in this area. You will find out the lay of the land at least. If you can build a sort of checklist of things that are needed for this schmoe to go to the can, it will help you help the cops.

Good luck.
No offense but this is pretty bizarre story. You are sure you do not know the stalker? Perhaps the girlfriend is not telling you everything. It looks like someone is really pissed off about something. With all this police still do not have an idea who is doing it? Seems strange.
I used one of those motion detectors(the one that turns on lights) to ring an alarm in the house when we had a problem. Gives you a good one up on someone. I also mounted a digital camera in a bird house at the lake property.
Gives piece of mind to have some control.

Good Luck.
And I do feel for you and yours in this kind of situation.
I have the same question as Arabia. What did you do and/or who did you tick off to have this happening? Someone really has a burr in their butt to be going after you like that.
If you can afford it (yes it will be expensive) check out a reputable Private Investigator to do surveilance on your place for a while. They may be able to photograph the stalker. If the stalker kicks it up they may be able to notify police as well as act on it to protect life. Don't tell you g/f about it until the stalker is identified incase this is just a ploy to get rid of you for someone else. Sounds odd I know but relationships have been ended in ways far worse than this. Be careful, watch your back, and good luck.