At Our Club Shoot Today


New member
At our local club shoot today here in Kansas City the wife had a good 50 yd
pistol target. She pistol whips me and others on a regulator basis, and don't
even leave bruises. I think she is still in the Friendship mode.

Yep, wimmen are like that..................

My friends refuse to shoot against my wife any more, since she whupped them silly - after they teased her as she was joining the fun, more than a few years ago. :D

After seeing your wife's target . . . I'm beginning to wonder why they waste all that paper making it so big??? After all . . . . we're supposed to be thinking "green" these days! :D Seriously . . . she's a fine shot and sets a standard for us all to try and achieve. Congrats to her on her fine shooting! :)
They make them that big for people like me. I can use her targets after she's done with them because nobody is ever going to believe that the holes in the black were made by me. Recycling lives!