AT-9 9mm subgun anyone know anything about them?


New member
Was at my local gunshop the other day and saw a 9mm subgun called a "feather" or AT-9 they are pretty cool looking wioth a collapsable wire stock and you can unscrew the barrel and break it down was going for 500 dollars. anyone ever shot one of these? what are they like?
I very rarely see them.
These have been around for a while under either the Mitchell or Feather name. Never shot one myself nor I have I talked to someone who has shot them.

I almost bought one a few years back, but lack of info on its reliability made me trepidatious. If you buy it, please give us a range report on it.

Oh, there was also a .22 and .22 Mag version, as I recall.
The AT9 by Feather is a pretty sweet toy. I'd compare it favourably with an Uzi carbine. Nice plinker, getting pricey, and the preban has a LOT of goodies availible for it. I'm not sure, but I think $500 is a good deal for a preban. Feather does adds in SGN, so you can still get parts, etc unlike an Uzi carbine. High cap mags are plentiful (IIRC, Uzi mags!).