Assult Weapon/Machine Gun BS

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I just saw Wesley Clark on "Geraldo Live" pleading to reinstate the ban on assault weapons so that we could staunch the flow of "machine guns" into Mexico.

This guy, a general I guess, obviously knows the difference between assault weapon and machine gun, but conveniently avoids mentioning it. Ninety percent of the non-gun owning public doesn't know, and some of the gun owning public doesn't either. We need to educate when possible or we're in trouble. jd
These people don't understand the facts about guns. They think that banning a particular type of gun will somehow solve certain problems... like the violence going on in drug wars in Mexico. (if they wanted to end this problem, why not legalize drugs??)

Please visit:
Under the Assault Weapons section to debunk myths with those you debate with and use these facts when mailing your legislators.
I just saw Wesley Clark on "Geraldo Live" pleading to reinstate the ban on assault weapons so that we could staunch the flow of "machine guns" into Mexico.

So did I.

The former NATO Commander, and Presidential candiate, (who couldn't kiss the Clintons' A@$% frequently enough), advocating stopping the flow of "machine guns", as you said, by instituting the AW ban in the name of saving Mexico.

And, of course, Geraldo, falling all over himself (and probably peeing his pants:D) agreeing with him-- and referring to the Second Amendment in the same context as duck hunting.:cool:

At the risk of sounding a little political, maybe the Mexican government should step out of the way and let the narco czars kill each other off, then go in and finish off the winner.:D
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Half the mexican mafia is run by mexican military/e military whe arm themselves with service weapons. These guys are using granade launchers, i mean hello.
Half the mexican mafia is run by mexican military/e military whe arm themselves with service weapons. These guys are using granade launchers, i mean hello.

That could be. Some California gangs, like MS X3 according to the Documentery I saw, require their members to join the U.S. military for the purpose of getting combat training.

Steet gang members have been ripping off the National Guard (to which they belong) for arms, including M16's, for some time now.
Mexican army claims over 99,000 desertions. Think a few of those guys took the weapons, trucks, and anything else they could get there hands on? The weapons are likely American in origin, and some fully auto. Whatever we supply them with. Just not the way its mainly being portrayed...Geraldo should keep his eye on the ball but he's always been like that, knows the difference...since he fired that Thompson on his TV special when he pillaged Al Capones vault.
I just think people fail to relize how big time these people realy are, i mean thier biggest problem is not to smuggle drugs into the usa , but how to smuggle thier money out of mexico so it can be laundered!! They have too much money! These guys do not need to buy ar-15s from cabelas to fight thier drug war, these guys have helocopters with mounted belt fed guns. The only time they will be buying something in the states is when maybe some bigshot druglord wants a desert eagle or something he absalutely cant get on the black market. But we are talking about fashion here not a stratigic turning point in the war on drugs
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