Assembling AR15 mag with green follower?


New member
A while back I bought a couple of mag rebuild kits for 30 round AR15 mags. The kits included the green followers. I got the magazines disasembled & the old springs/followers out . Now, for the life of me, I can't get the green followers in!

I've turned & slanted & cussed & it just ain't coming together.

Do I have to bend the tabs that hold the baseplate on to get these danged things put back together?

Help, help, help!


Do I have to bend the tabs that hold the baseplate on to get these danged things put back together?


Take a deep breath, hold it, hold it, okay let it out. Now that you've cleared your head, go back and try it again. Go slow. Don't force anything. They will go in, you just need to relax.
AH HAA! Thank you, blades67. The follower just slid in slicker than snot on a doorknob. I would be embarassed to tell you how wrought up I got trying to fight it.

We only had 20 round mags when I was in the service about a million years ago & I'd never dinked with a 30 rounder before......
