"Assault weapons" can't be "banned" anymore


New member
If the Heller ruling states that "weapons in 'common use' are okay" and "anything short of a total ban", than so long as it isn't NFA, it can't be banned outright.

I don't expect this to stop them, but as far as the "assault weapons" concept, now they have to take a whole new incremental approach.

This is what I get out of it. I feel positive right now, so please, no doom and gloom analyses. I'm sick and tired of that crap, and everytime I hear "the sky is falling", I just wanna knock chicken little right the **** out!
You are very wrong. There is a good article in the new SWAT magazine on this very subject. Bans are far from being a thing of the past.
What you're missing is the possible (perhaps even likely) convoluted interpretations of "in common use" by the gun-banners.
Those who would even think of putting forth such law need to be kicked out of office this time around or it could get really nasty.