Assault Weapons Ban proposal pulled

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New member

Saw in my local paper, The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, also heard several times on radio news broadcasts, that the current Assault Weapons Ban, so-called has been removed from proposals passed by The Judiciary Committee of The U.S. Senate. Of course, it could return as an amendment, and it likely will be so offered. Who knows what The Senate, in it's august wisdom, or what passes therefore might accept as an "amendment" to "underlying legislation". VP Biden spoke at length, being interviewed on WESA-FM, Public Radio in Pittsburgh, this interview likely broadcast on other stations too. Public Radio stations, as I understand things, maintain archives of broadcasts, which can be accessed via computer, in case you missed the original broadcast. Mr. Biden, of course, sang the same old songs, ditty's that, in my opinion, do not improve with age or repetition.
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