Assault Puddle


New member
This is ridiculous.

INVERNESS - A 12-year-old boy who stomped his foot in a puddle at school, spraying classmates and a
school resource officer, was taught a lesson he's not likely to forget.

Kyle Fredrikson was walking back to class from lunch when Deputy Tim Langer said the boy ``purposely
stomped in the water'' after being told numerous times by school personnel to stay with the group and out of the

He didn't, and at that point, Langer took the sixth-grader to a school office where the boy was cuffed, put in a
patrol car and taken to jail.

Kyle was charged Monday with disruption of an educational institution, a misdemeanor. After about two hours in
a holding room alone, the sixth-grader was released to the custody of his mother and grandmother.

His parents, Chuck and Brenda Fredrikson, are outraged. ``The inmates had access to him. Can you imagine that
for stomping in a mud puddle?'' said his father.

Lt. James Martone, who oversees the school resource officer program, said Langer made a proper arrest. ``He
did his job,'' Martone said. ``It's a fine line any officer in the schools walk.''

Inverness Middle School Principal Cindy Staten said she and sheriff's officials discussed the incident Tuesday but
didn't elaborate.

Kyle's family says he has a hyperactive disorder and is in a class with similar children. Langer should have taken
that into account before arresting him, they say.

Kyle was back in school Tuesday, and Staten would not say if more discipline will follow.

Strength does not come from physical capacity.
It comes from an indomitable will. -- Mahatma Gandhi
Ya know, it just keep getting sillier and sillier. On one hand, I think the parents shoudl sue them to dogsh*t, but as a taxpayer, I don't want to pay for their stupidity. Jail for stomping in a mud puddle, and then they defend the twit that put him in the slam? Time for a real house cleaning, those people desparately need to be in another line of work, e.g. can they say, "would you like fires with that?" IDIOTS!
As conservatives we asked that discipline return to our schools. We got "zero tolerance" which means whatever the current dictator-in-charge says it means. As gun owners we asked that students who actually bring lethal and dangerous weapons to school with the intent to cause harm be prosecuted enthusiastically. We got kids who get kicked out for nail clippers, ect. Now we simply ask that "problem" kids not be place in cuffs for stomping in puddles. I am afraid what we will get are snipers in towers with rifles loaded with Ritalin darts.
Bummer. The Tampa Tribune won't accept "free" email sites (hotmail, yahoo) on their bulletin board, so I'll have to grind my teeth in silence.

It seems like our school officials are playing "Can You Top This?" in the idiocy department.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
What a bunch of crap, Some people really need to get a life. The officer in question,Out! Find another job period.
This stuff has really started to go to far.
My kid was involved something like this a number of years ago. He was in the lunch line and a kid dropped a fork on the floor, My son picked it up,And went to hand it back, The other kid backed into it or something and he accidentaly got stabbed,stuck whatever.A pure mishap. No blood was drawn. Some other kid who saw this ratted my kid out for stabbing the other kid
Of course this became a malicious forking incident. It was reported to the local police,my kid had a grilling by the principal. Now even though both boys said it was an accident ,the principal would not believe and my kid got 3 days suspension. I spoke with the local Police Chief who really did not want to be bothered with this and took it for what it was an accident. My wife in the meantime contacted the moron principal who preceded to go off on my wife for defending our son and calling both liars in the situation. We didn't stop there and we took this to the Superintendant of the school district and the Super of Elementry Education.We had a meeting with all involved and that did nothing more then to prove to me that they were all morons. They covered each others backs and lied out their asses for one another. After a threat of a lawsuit my son was appologized to reluctently and any note of this in his record purged.
Sorry for the long post But I thought I had to tell this story. I still get asked from time to time at work,Hey how is the Malicious Forker doing?

gun control is people control

[This message has been edited by loknload (edited December 10, 1999).]
It is infuriating to realize that these simpleminded twits are on the public payroll, and in positions of authority. Obviously THEY are in need of some adult supervision--fast.

If it weren't for the fact that the kid has a diagnosed pyschological disorder I would say good, lock the self-centered little $h1the@d up and maybe he will think twice about acting in an irresponsible manner and breaking the law next time. If you operate outside the bounds of acceptable social behaviour and infringe upon the rights of others you will pay a price. I don't care how old you are.
Jeff, Honestly, If your boy arrogantly stomped in a puddle of water and was subsequently handcuffed and placed in jail with all of societies potential deviants: would you say he deserved it because a beauracrat did not give him a "problem pass"? Your children won't do wrong because you are there, not because a beauracrat is. Sometimes you have the right to expect something called a teacher to step in in defense of your child in your absence, but denying childhood in developing humans is wrong if the most dangerous weapon they utilize is a puddle. True discipline and sanity can exist in the same enviornment. I think both the fear of your boy getting his butt kicked by you combined with the fact that he knows you love him and the fear of your disapproval combined with your your own self doubt and anger towards his lack of regard for your efforts makes you a daddy. You do not need the beauracrat in the mix. You fix it.

[This message has been edited by G-Freeman (edited December 10, 1999).]
I think that was the perfect response. Today a mud puddle, tomorrow he might shoot up the school.

What a bunch of B.S. Lets see, you can't give a kid a swat anymore but its ok to arrest him and take him to jail for simply being a little boy.

Why, oh why, can't we get back to the days when this would have warrented a swat or staying after school or writing on the blackboard 100 times. We allow the President to get away with perjury and obstruction of justice yet we jail a little boy for being what he is.

The inmates are running the asylum!
A 12 year old boy gets an impulse and stomps a mud puddle? Hell, I thought that was normal. Why can't they just let kids be kids?
He's a Child. Busted for acting like a Child?

"Lawyers, Sic'm!"

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
We, the people, are tired of being taxed, penalized, supervised, harassed,
and subjugated by a federal government which exceeds the powers
enumerated in the U.S. Constitution.
I am deeply concerned with the new role that academia has assumed. Think about all of these "zero tolerance " incidents and remember who defines "zero tolerance".

Parents have no function except to produce offspring. The rest is handled by bureaucrats. Have I missed anything???

Better days to be,

The reason I say this was the statement 'after being told numerous times by school personnel to stay with the group and out of the rain.' He was told not to do something, like a law, and he did it anyway, broke the law. Your rights end when you infringed on the rights of others, no matter your age. Now this may be why I choose to live in Texas where it is legal to shoot someone for spraying paint on your fence or stealing your hubcaps, only if these events occur at night. If you do something that you are not suppose to there is a price to pay, be that price humiliation, physical discomfort, or lethal force. My father always told me that if I went to jail and did nothing wrong that I should call him and he would come get me out, being in the FBI carried some weight. He also told me that if I was in jail and had done something wrong to not waste my time because, although he would come down to the jail, what he would do to me was far worse than anything the jailers would do and when he left I would still be there. I never went to jail. I fully encourage children to be forced to accept responsibility and pay a price for unacceptable social behaviour. A big problem with youth today is because parents are stepping in to protect their kids when the kid did something wrong, thereby allowing the kid to get away with the behaviour, receiving no negative reinforcement. The parents who do this are not doing their kids any favors. My son was allowed choices and he could choose right or wrong, either way he would accept the responsibility of those actions.

This kid was 12 years old. I remember an incident when I was 14 years old. I had a motorcycle and a drivers license, you had to be 16 for a car, but the motorcycle license could be had at 14. I rode to a pool party at a classmates house where the class was invited. I was preparing to leave and noticed the mirrors and side covers missing from the bike. I told the people responsible to return the items immediately. They didn't. I called the police and reported the vandalism. The police got there and I got my stuff back. I declined to press charges since no permanent damage was done, but the kids knew that they came very close to going to jail. What they did was illegal and it infringed on my rights, an action like that is totally unacceptable behaviour in my opinion.

Should this kid or the kids at the pool party go to jail, probably not. Had the parents done the job of teaching their children proper behaviour in public by correcting previous bad behaviour rather than distracting them from it, we would all be better off. To intentionally splash water on someone is by definition a battery in Texas and Oklahoma, probably in most other states. If an adult did it to me, after being told not to, I would probably hose him with OC spray, would probably do it to the kid too, and in both cases call the police.

[This message has been edited by Jeff OTMG (edited December 11, 1999).]
Jeff: I think using OC spray on a child or adult for splashing water is extreme. Detention is justified, but jail? He's a child. It's water. Move on.

Strength does not come from physical capacity.
It comes from an indomitable will. -- Mahatma Gandhi
The best way to fight suspension from school or expelshin from school is a law suit.

A law suit is the only thing a school
dictator understands.
A lawsuit is the only thing that can touch a principal. They are scared sh~tless
of law suits, because law suits hit them in the pocketbook and call their inappropoiate behavior to the attention of not only their
superiors, but also the big wheel politician
in charge. The sh~t hits the fan when a lawsuit occurs, waves have been made and the boat is rocked.
This truly gets the principal in
trouble with his boss, who wants things to go
When dealing with school officials,
if you want to cut through the BS and the watching of backs and lieing----- a law suit
is definately the way to go.

In 1967, I got into a pea shooting
war with the rest of my class. This guy was constantly shooting spit balls at the back of my head for weeks on end, so during lunch break, I walked across the street to the market and bought a pea shooter & a bag of peas.
One of the other kids must have seen me
and told the rest; who also went to the market and bought 30 bags of peas.

I was the one to be expelled ;however
every other person in the class was equally
This was, by the way ,second year of trade colledge for electronic technicians.
We were like 3 months from graduation
and an associates degree.

I mentioned to the principal that every
one in the class was equally guility and asked him why I was the only one to be expelled.
He claimed that I instigated it and I
countered that I told no one of my intentions; they had found out by spying on my purchase.

So he said "consider yourself expelled" and I said "Well just see what the judge has to say about that." I have $3000.oo
and we will see what kind of lawyer I can get for that money.

Boy, did the principal turn pale!
Took him all of 5 minutes to back down.I was suspended for 3 days
and had to scramble some to catch up my grades but we never had another pea war. Remember, this was in 1967

Today ,I would probably have to serve 5
years in Federal Penn for assault with a
deadly pee! !:^)

[This message has been edited by ernest2 (edited December 12, 1999).]
This is one reason why school resource officers are not be-all and end-all solutions. Personally, I think that most of what they do could be accomplished by patrol cops called by the admin. when needed.

Jeff, I understand your frustration, but this is expected behavior for a child this age. Jail is a HUGE overreaction. This may draw flames but as a teacher it IS my job to discipline kids and teach right and wrong. I love help from parents but after student teaching I don't expect it. It is the job of the teacher to discipline this kid, he's responsible, and he should have told the officer that he WOULD NOT arrest the boy. He should then have immediately informed the boy of the consequences (detention after school and writing a paragraph about how sorry he was would be our way of dealing with something like this, combined with a phone call to the parents) and told him to apologize to the officer for his uncivilized behavior.
The problem with this response is that I sat here and read the entire incident. I had the advantage of hindsight. Just like when we do our shoot/no shoot games, the ability to sit behind a computer and analyze the situation is a huge advantage. When you're IN the situation, in this case trying to keep up with 15-20 preadolescents on a field trip, you may have no idea what the cop is doing or intends until it's too late to stop him.
Also, I'm not sure the teacher has the authority to tell the cop he can't arrest the kid--if it's technically assault as Jeff says then I imagine the officer has free reign. We also don't know what the kid did up to this point. Kids are masters of picking away at your sanity slowly, and 12-year olds particularly enjoy it.
As for the cop, I don't know. From what I know of the case his actions make no sense. Therefore either he screwed up royally or there's something I don't know. We'll see.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Jeff, you made some good points, but taking the kid to jail was just inane. C'mon ... really.

Detention, calling the parents, writing on the blackboard, etc. would have been more appropriate responses. This was a 12 year old kid - discussions of battery and pepper spray are really out in left field, IMHO.

I think loknload got this right - the system is all forked up. ;)
To repeat: Twits were in charge. Used to be that any boy worth his salt had jackknife in his pocket. Now they are 'weapons'. Now even puddle stomping is out. Next come rude noises. From what I can tell all these so-called 'administrators' want nothing more than to castrate every potential male in sight. Little girls are so much easier to 'manage'. To hell with these people who think they can do a better job raising our kids than we can.
