Assault or not?

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Interesting thing happened the other night at a local bar. A good friend called and said let's have some drinks--I said sure see ya there (I wasn't drinking alcohol because I have chronic Lyme disease). A local "tough" (who I don't know) there with his girlfriend suddenly whipped out a large folding knife and said to me hold "still, you got a loose thread hanging from your shirt" and trimmed a thread hanging from my armpit before I could say or do anything. Everyone laughed--he certainly enjoyed the shocked look on my face. It later occurred to me that had he chosen to do so he could have plunged the knife into a key vein that could have been fatal. The more I think about the incident the more it bothers me--how do you think I should have handled it--if any differently?
Just laugh and walk away !
I have the same Lyme problem .You could have told him ''if you bleed on me you'll get Lyme'' !
If he took you unawares it would have been over before you reacted so just laugh. :D
Just laugh and walk away !
I have the same Lyme problem .You could have told him ''if you bleed on me you'll get Lyme'' !
If he took you unawares it would have been over before you reacted so just laugh.
I guess it's one of those situational awareness things. Still bothers me though.
a key element of assault was whether the guy deliberately tried to make you afraid for your life or serious injury. This situation is bad, it's pretty obvious that he was just having a joke at your expense. Sure, it shook you up and disturbed you, but it's a stretch, a real stretch to say that a violent response would have been appropriate. I suppose that a police officer could have filed assault charges, since he did brandish a knife in a suggestive manner. I don't believe that many police officer would have, very few, I believe that nearly every officer out there would have tried to resolve it without taking the guy in. Talked to him and maybe taken his knife.

I don't know what else to say. He didn't threaten, and you didn't feel fear. It is a stretch to call that fooling around illegal assault.

You did the very best you could. The guy was obviously one of 'those' guys. The best response was to just let that go and hope that everyone else let it go. Go back to quietly drinking.

Then again, maybe cackling and screaming laughter would have been better, too, joining in the general merriment.

I sure as heck wouldn't want to have been in that situation. I'm EXTREMELY private, just looking at me gets my blood pressure up, and god almighty, touching me sparks something awful. That would have upset me pretty badly, and I might have let my feelings out.
I guess it's one of those situational awareness things. Still bothers me though.

It should bother you. That was a juvenile thing to do, and not at all smart. You don't brandish a knife in public like that and play stupid games with weapons.
Sounds distasteful & brash but I wouldn't call it an assault. If there was any negative history between you, it could be considered a threat.
whack alpha move. Better than peeing on your leg I guess.

That was what I was trying to express. Bullying wasn't quite the right word, but showing off and acting out. Normal people don't flash a knife in a tavern, especially to cut a loose thread off of another guy's shirt. Peeing on your leg? you just got hit with bodily fluids, biological waste of unknown origin, god knows what was in it or what disease he had, and there goes $100 worth of shoes and $60 worth of denim. I think that the victim could justify doing something to shut off the flow of urine and prevent him from doing any more damage. Grabbing it and twisting it off would be appropriate. Kicking it clear up to his kidneys maybe would be more sanitary.

Still not a good idea. kicking a guy in the nads very rarely is a good solution to a problem. Satisfying, but not good.
Some day this guy with the knife will pull this trick on someone and they will show him why it's just a bad idea .
Sounds like some whack alpha move. Better than peeing on your leg I guess.
That's sort of how I summed it up. His girlfriend (who I was not staring at or talking to) looked somewhat annoyed about being there.
It goes to show alcohol and stupid don't mix. I agree with the others that he was just trying o show how scary he is. Not sure how I would have handled it but just ignoring him would have been best. Sounds like you did well.
If stupid hurt....There would be less stupid!

I'm careful with the selection of my words, I rarely would use the word stupid to describe a persons actions.
The guy with the knife??? Yup stupid is the right word.

The fool will try that on someone and get himself hurt or worse.
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