ASP Tactical Baton


New member
I was at my favorite gun store the other day, and they had a 21" ASP retractable tactical baton. I could not resist it's smooth blackness and I bought it.

I want to learn how to use it properly but I do not want to spend 250 bucks on another lame police oriented training session.

Any recomendations on this effective bad boy would be appreciated. Yea I know, don't hit the BG in the head, neck, or the joints. Whatever. That's like saying don't shoot the MF in the head if he is trying to kill me.

Also, is there a way to get that SOB to retract without using a friggin hammer. Man, that friction lock is way to effective. Still, good stuff!
ASP training uses a minimum number of moves, so as to be easy for your body to integrate and use under stress.

There are two ways indicated to open the baton: to the sky (swinging back and straight upward from your rear shoulder), and to the ground (down and behind you). The ASP is closed by jamming straight down on a hard surface. Teach yourself to do this while keeping your "eyes out". There is something like a leaf spring you'll find when you take the base cap off. This piece can be adjusted to meet your desired opening/closing force.

Your basic fighting posture starts with your dominant side back, and your nonweapon side somewhat forward. Your weapon side hand should be holding the baton with the shaft lying atop your shoulder, and the handle pointing ahead.

Your basic strike describes a diagonal looping from off your shoulder down to past your hip. Your secondary strike reverses this, bringing your weapon back to its starting position.

One can also grasp the tip of the baton with your nonweapon hand, and use the baton in a pushing strike. Jabbing the attacker with the tip is not advised, due to possible closing of the shaft.

It would be incorrect to advise not hitting your assailant in potentially lethal areas. It is more correct to say only strike to the sternum and head in situations where lethal force is justified, but you cannot present and use a firearm.

This is a quick and dirty summary, and is of course no substitute for hands-on training from an ASP-certified trainer.

PS- I think you're local to me. If so, we can get together sometime, and run through this. I'll also let you look over the ASP material.
Yes you can close an ASP withonut smacking it. Don't know if I can explain clearly with words but it is easy to show.

Basically just wiggle the extended baton back and forth [wrist action not arm] quickly. Sort of like you were drumming fast on an "air drum" till the friction lock losens.

You can also tap the baton lightly, the side not tip, against chair or whatever several times that will work also.
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Spectre is right in that if you remove the base cap and pinch the spring a little till you get the retraction pressure where you want it.There is also a training video that might help.The videos are sold at .
Another training video that's often recommended is Tactical Baton by Datu Kelly Worden, available from Paladin Press.

Videos work best if you have a training partner you can practice with regularly. Datu Worden's techniques are based on Filipino Martial Arts, so study in this area would also help.