asp defender vs fox labs oc


i want to buy a few cans of pepper spray for me & my relatives but i'm not sure which one to get.

the asp key defender seems good & slim. something i can always keep in my pocket. it's not as strong as fox but is it strong enough?

i hear fox labs is the best. the fox labs 2oz is about the size of my cell phone. i can see me carrying the flip top in my pocket for a late night trip to the grocery store but i'm not sure if it's compact enough to always carry. I haven't seen the fox keychain model, how does its size compare to the 2oz?

now this stuff is only useful if you have it with you. i doubt mom or sis will carry the 2oz can around beyond the first week of getting it but a keychain seems good.

keychain seems to make the most sense as "keys are out = spray is out". always with you and drawn. any thoughts on asp key defender vs fox keychain model? how friendly are the safeties on them? spray range?

for the 2oz can, how do you carry it? are you walking around with it in your hand in a ready mode or do you plan for a 'quick draw' from your pocket? also heard some use a holster for it.

i've heard folks keep a can of fox in the car? what is the idea there? isn't it better to always have it with you instead of sitting in the car?
saw the asp key defender. one of the first things that came to mind is pocket lint clogging up the nozzle. makes sense, since it is jammed at the bottom of my pocket where lint collects. what do you think?
Fox's 'key chain' canister is available with or without the key chain and additional carrier. It contains 11 grams of OC and dispenses in a stream. It is much smaller (without the key chain) than the 2oz can. The Fox product is very effective, at least on me.

I have not been exposed to the ASP product, so I cannot speak about it in that regard. I have seen the 'defender' unit and, while advertised as an OC dispenser, it doubles as a Kubotan.

If you are going to carry OC, get some exposure to it in a training setting. When you deploy it in a defensive situation, it is very likely you will get an exposure as well at the intended recipient. It is better to first experience this in a controlled environment.

I carry ASP Palm Defender on my keys. I tried it before i started carrying it and it was pretty damn effective on me! In addition to being an effective Kubotan, if you add your keys to it, it can be a very effective flail.

With regards to leaving OC in your car... I wouldnt. If you live in Arizona you know how damn hot it gets here. Case and point it is supposed to be 112 in Phoenix today. Leaving that can of OC in a closed car at that temp will quickly have the car feeling more like an oven. I have heard horror stories of OC cans exploding in closed cars in the Summer's heat... sounds like a mess to me.
I carry the Fox 2oz with the flip-top. Fits OK in jeans pocket - as long as you're not into the skin-tight jeans. I put my hands in my pockets when walking past "interesting" people. To them it just looks like I'm relaxed with hands in my jeans, but I've got the spray ready to pull out and use.

As an aside, the Fox spray is very potent (for me at least). I touched off a tiny amount in the livingroom to experiment a bit and it doubled me over with coughs, sneezes and burning lungs. A shot to my face would have pert near killed me.