Ashley sight question

Mike Baugh

New member
I bought a set of the Ashley Ghost Ring sights for my Marlin 30-30 . I went to sight it in and I am having a problem with vertical stringing . I shoot a 4 shot group at 100 yards and the holes are within 1" side to side but about 8" top to bottom , I think the problem [besides me being a lousy offhand shot] is the rear peep is way to large . They recommended the .191 rear sight and using this sight I can see the entire front sight blade , front sight base and last 2" of barrel . I think I am centering the front sight base , subconsciously , in the sight as it is larger and this is throwing me off , my groups are also running 6" high with the rear sight bottomed out . My question is has anyone tried the smaller .150 dia. rear sight and do you think it would help . Thanks , Mike...
Mike, let me make sure I understand you. You are shooting offhand (standing with no rest)at 100 yds and getting what is basically an 8 inch group and you're complaining? Stringing is usually the result of a bedding problem. See what it does sitting with either a tight sling or from a bench rest; sand bags, rolled up carpet, etc. If you are still getting similar results (my hat is off to your shooting ability) check the barrel channel for high spots. The .150" aperature would be better for target shooting but if you plan to hunt the larger one is best. If you are new to peep sights, try to practice concentrating on the clear tip of the front sight blade. Let the aperature and the target become fuzzy and focus on the front sight. George
Mike, this is a prime example of working too long of hours and too many days. I read right over Marlin 30-30 and was seeing a Mauser in my mind's eye. Scratch the barrel channel business. Usually if you are stringing from a rest, if it isn't a bedding problem it's probably your breathing. George
George , thanks for the input . I believe the main problem is the size of the rear Ghost Ring , I am going to put in a call to Ashley Sights tomorrow and order the smaller size and see if it helps . Thanks , Mike...