

New member
I use to write articles for journals and newspapers, on occasion.
however I'm not up to it these days.
Why cant we have some talent write articles or reports on thousand yard shoots, hunting such, as pigs etc with pics, fishing, with pics , and new guns, true reports on accuracy and a thousand other things of interest to Folks that visit the Forum.
It would take effort, what doesn't, to make it so. The ne thing it would do, if progressed enough is an online magazine, of interest to us, without all the ads or very few. It is maddening to try to find content in a magazine, among the ads and stiff cardboard cards.
Umm wouldn't you consider each individual thread itself to be an article? They have information and pictures. We do have a hunting section as well....
Tin, I honestly have no problem finding everything I need to know about any subject when I use the entire internet and several dozen forums I belong to. I come here mostly for the Law and Civil Rights and the General Discussion forum.

However, I don't usually come here when I am looking for very specific information on a very specific aspect of the shooting hobby unless a thread pops up in Google search that takes me here.

While there are some great sub-forums here, and I visit here every day (sometimes multiple times in a day) TFL wouldn't be my first thought for long-range marksmanship homework (I might go to SnipersHide). Likewise information about a specific weapon... instead I'd go to SavageShooters, RugerForum, GlockTalk, etc... But that's just me.

Likewise for generic "articles" and stuff, I have many blogs, personal pages, and professional organizations that I hit on a regular basis. TheFirearmsBlog is one of my favorite websites.

I love TFL, the moderators are quite honestly the best crew on the web and it keeps the place a class above most (if not all) other forums I frequent.

An "articles sub-forum" might not be a bad idea, but then again, authors do like to get paid for their work... lots of people earn a decent living making Youtube Videos as a full-time job. And tell truth, I haven't bought a gun magazine in a few years.
the idea of an articles section isn't necessarily a bad one, but for it to work it would require regular contributions worthy of submission... and I cant imagine anyone with enough literary talent would do so for free.

I find it interesting the OP can use the internet to chat in a gun forum but is not otherwise overwhelmed with gun articles to read from dedicated websites on line. I don't know anyone still paying for magazine subscriptions anymore.

I'll throw this out there to start....