Article on hunting deer with a flintlock in NYT


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While I don't agree with his claim that he hunts with a rifle explicitly protected by the 2nd amendment, he does present an interesting take on hunting and killing to an audience that probably isn't very familiar with the subject. How do you think he did?
I would think most of the story was in his imagination.
I do remember a time when i used to trail a deer through the forest that had plenty of wolves and be able to mooch into shooting range several times and not have to worry that that's the last chance i will get at making the perfect shot with whatever firearm i was carrying.
That is a thing of the past for the forest I used to hunt and that is totally due to the overrunning of said forest by the wolf that was hunted with the intent on killing every last one of them but was through that intent transformed into the most elusive predator the world has ever known. And that is my opinion. ;)
The authors description of the need to finish the kill with his knife is a reality and I had to do that once and have always carried a hand gun when within the law to hopefully never have to do that again.
His description of the effect of the shot, the Minnie' ball, although possible, is I believe in this story a sensational exaggeration of a hyperactive imagination.
And I also hunt with a flint lock rifle, but I put my powder in the flash pan and my flint strikes the frizzen.
While I appreciate the author's love for the challenge of hunting with a muzzle loader, I would have like for him to mention the benefits other forms of hunting. I liked this paragraph that applies to all methods of hunting:

For me, and I suspect for many others like me, the art of hunting is far more profound than taking trophies. It’s about taking responsibility. For my needs. For my family. For the delicate environmental balance of this wounded but recovering part of the country. There is something sobering about hunting for your food. Meat tastes different, more precious, when you’ve not only watched it die, but killed it yourself. There is no seasoning in the world that can compare with moral ambiguity

The last paragraph was also good.
I think he tried a little too hard to be dramatic, and he could use a little refresher course on what the parts of a flintlock are actually called.