Art Eatman has passed


New member
Farewell to Art and God speed. I got word a little while ago he passed in Georgia. I don’t have any details at the moment but when I have more I’ll post them.

I met Art 36 years ago when we became neighbors in Terlingua and he was always a “hail fellow, well met" kind of guy. In those days everyone was self-building their homes on shoestrings and Art, a retired civil engineer, was always free with good advice and help.

Though always in a good humor, he didn’t suffer fools but, at the same time would never make them feel like a fool. Instead he would teach and explain a better way to go.

Always the entrepreneur, he and a local C&W singer/writer Allen Dameron owned a bar and music venue in pre-liberal Austin called the “Checkered Flag”. That little beer joint put a few well known performers on the road to success. The place was so named because, you see, Art had also been a racecar driver in the 50s.

Art wasn’t afraid to share an opinion about EVERYTHING but it wasn’t the babbling of a blowhard; he really did know almost everything. The world has lost a unique lively mind wrapped up in a very nice man and I will miss him very much.
One of my favorites here and at The Highroad. I noticed that he wasn't posting very much and sent him a PM a couple of months ago asking if he was OK. He didn't indicate any issues at the time.
If there were a Hall of Fame for TFL, Art would certainly be an honored member. This is sad news indeed.
God rest your soul, Art. Thank you for all the great advice you gave over the years. And for the recollections of Terlingua.
I will really miss Mr. Eatman on this forum. I am thankful that he shared his wisdom and insights for all of us.
Loved reading his input on things, he shared his knowledge with anyone who asked. A little vitriolic at times, a little too self-assured for a lot of folks, kind of like my family. He will be missed.