"Arrests" from Instant Checks....

Rob Pincus

New member
Given that another thread has developed around the instant check situation here in TN, I thought I would give you guys two stories about arrests:

On the first story I heard a dealer (my dealer!) was given a "pending" result. These results are very common and usually are resovled within a hour or so, at which time TBI calls back and says yeah or nay. A few moments later, two officers "burst" (dealer's words. he is VERY pro LE, btw) in and ask (in command voices) "Which one of you is MR XXXXX?" and arrested the guy on the spot.

All I could think of was the guy out in california who had been burst in upon by the ATF and local officers. In the wrong gunshop, this could have been a disaster.

Second Story:

A friend of mine who is a US Marshall, CCW holder, Licensed security officer and who has previously purchased handguns in this state under Brady recently purchased a gun at a gun show. He is familiar with the fac that he has a common hispanic name and he has had trouble with TBI background checks before. He told the FFL this info and the dealer called TBI instead of using the computer check. After calling back to confirm my pal's DOB, they "approved" him and he walked.
Two days later two local officers and a representative from INS (!!) show up with a warrant for his arrest. They have paperwork with his name and approximate description but the DOB is off by one year. My pal let them play their games and even submitted to a pat down and let them secure his handgun ( a P7) which was on a bookshelf when they walked in. After a few minutes, during which they exlpained that TBI had sent them and that (get this) since he was an Illegal Alien he was in violation of serveral federal laws concerning the purchase of a firearm. He eventually got around to showing them his DL, CCW, and USMS Credentials. Needless to say they felt pretty stupid.
Everyone's best guess is that BEFORE the DOB call back, the people at TBI had already processed the attempted purchase as illegal. The other guy with my pal's name had been wanted on a felony warrant from El Paso.

What amazed me in the second case was the aparant casualness the officers used in serving the warrant on a supposedly armed felon.

Anybody else have any interesting instant check stories ?

What do you want to bet that your friend's incident is still counted in the fed's statistics on the success of the instant check?
I have no doubt that the statistic will reflect:

"Warrants issued for wanted persons due to the Instant Check" or some such meaningless crap.
I thought yall might be interested in this information. I read this in the Jan. 21 issue of USA Today. 643,000 background checks have been conducted with 13,000 denials. Of these 13,000 denials 2,200 cases have been referred to the ATF. And as of the date this was published no arrests had been made and no action had been taken towards these 2,200 cases.