Army meeting goals


The Army has exceeded recruiting goals in the first two months of this fiscal year, reversing a trend that had some Iraq critics saying the armed services branch was "broken."

The Pentagon yesterday said the Army signed up 5,856 recruits in November, 5 percent above its goal. It previously announced the Army also exceeded its target in October, the first month of the 2006 fiscal year.

The Army has that hit its recruiting mark for six straight months, a promising development for the Bush administration. President Bush's critics had cited the Army's failure to achieve its recruiting goals in fiscal 2005 as proof that the war in Iraq is breaking the force.
Part of the reason is that the Army has lowered its' recruiting standards. I think even the Marines may be accepting Category 4s now...
The recruiting age was raised to 42..... and they give you a crapload of money. I just processed some bonus payments for a couple of the reserve troops in the unit yesterday $15,000 cash on the barrelhead all at one time, if you re-enlist in a combat zone that is $15,000 tax free dollars at one time.

Active Military

just for enlisting in some MOS fields I know that you can get up to a $20,000
bonus for a 2 year active duty hitch.

so for a 3 year re-up you could possibly make with the right MOS....

The bonus to be paid may not exceed the lesser of the following amounts:
The product of 15 times the monthly rate of basic pay to which the member was entitled at the time of the discharge or release of the member; and
The product of the number of years (or the monthly fractions thereof) of the term of reenlistment or extension of enlistment, not to exceed $60,000.

if you do that re-up in a combat zone....its tax free money.

for $60,000 for a three year hitch sign me up and im retired.
for $60,000 for a three year hitch sign me up and im retired.

Assuming you survive. :p The strange thing for me is that I'm category 1, tier 1, and considering signing up for a 0300 MOS yet not one mention of a signing bonus. I guess the Marines aren't giving out as much cash for these gigs. Maybe I'll go air traffic control after all...

I was in Iraq... and Was offered 45,000 bonus for a 4 year stint, if I would Re-up as EOD, (I'm a combat engineer now, so kinda a bit of a lateral mos change)

Now.. problem being.. my entire military career of 2 1/2 years has been with 2ID... which is UNDOUBTABLY and ACKNOWLAGED as the most JACKED up unit in the army. to make matters worse, I spent 10 months in korea, folowed by a year in iraq.. straight... no stateside time.. with the worse running vehicles in existance because Korea is given the bottom of the barell stuff since we were never expected to use it.

Now.. 4 more years of my life just to FINALY see what the military is like? Nope. If I get involuntairily recalled then I dn't have much of a choice. but another 4 years of my life isn't worth 45,000 dollars to me.. even if I get to blow stuff up again.
LOL.. If I was going to do that I could be making 120,000 for KBR tax free maybe up to 140,000 :eek:

might sign up with KBR for a year in 2007 after I retire from the DOD.