Arms Heritage Magazine


New member
Got an email from this outfit touting a new online magazine that seems a little bit up our alley. The first issue is free, then it's a subscription. As a committed old curmudgeon, I'm not a big proponent of electronic books or magazines, so I may have to give this one a hard think, but I thought that the free issue had some very interesting articles.

Here's a link:
Thanks for the heads-up...
Interesting articles as you mentioned...however...
I now have a crick in my neck from having to get my nose 4.3" from the screen to see that itty-bitty print...
A headache from eyestrain...
an' a knot in my backbone..
Of 41 pages, I counted 10.5 of advertisements...Hmmm...
I'm ole fashioned I guess.. I like paper magazines so's I can flip back 'n forth.
If you're using a PC holding the control key down while scrolling up or down will zoom the screen in and out, and on html pages it will rearrange the type to keep it all on the screen at the same time.


Also, if you're using Firefox (which I heartily recommend,) the page views will cause your cursor to become a "+" sign.

Clicking on the page will automatically enlarge the whole deal to make it readable to mature eyes. No idea whether this works with IE, since I've not used it for several years.

Firefox, btw, is a free-for-nothin piece of software from Mozilla, and is fast, clean, and virus-resistant.

Yup. it's firefox...
Figger'd I done sumthin' stoopid when I seed the + sign...
But was werkin' enyway....
A 'puter whiz I ain't....