arms belonging to the state, not in private hands


New member
One would think such a position would have been expressed by Hillary Clinton, but such was not the case.

"But clearly, the prime minister has laid down some ground rules which any
functioning democratic state would insist upon, having to do with, you know,
arms belonging to the state, not to -- not in private hands," she said.

Since the Secretary of State would be a voice of the current administration, I am very concerned that the true opinion of the Republican Party is that guns do not belong in private hands.

If this is the case, what real difference on this matter separates the Repblican candidates and the Democratic candidates ?

Is this a flag that sooner, or later theUnited States will follow England, Australia and Canada in the matter of RKBA ?
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The U.S. may eventually TRY to follow those countries in RKBA, there's no way it can succeed though. There are too many freedom loving Americans that still have the fire of patriotism flowing through them. Americans at one time faced the threat of tyrrany, if the need arises it will be dealt with in a similar way. I will never surrender my guns, I believe there are many others that feel the same way. If we are disarmed, who will protect us from the government?
"But clearly, the prime minister has laid down some ground rules which any
functioning democratic state would insist upon, having to do with, you know,
arms belonging to the state, not to -- not in private hands," she said.

What does this poorly written out of context quote mean? Dunno, but here's what Condoleeza Rice thinks about the Second Amendment, from a George Will column:

In a pleasantly meandering conversation over lunch in San Francisco last summer, Condoleezza Rice, then still provost of Stanford but already unofficially what she now is officially, George W. Bush's senior foreign policy adviser, was asked her thoughts about gun control. "I am," she answered crisply, "a Second Amendment absolutist." Growing up in Birmingham, Ala., in the early 1960s, when racial tensions rose, there were, she said, occasions when the black community had to exercise its right to bear arms in self-defense, becoming, if you will, a well-regulated militia. (Emphasis in red in original)

From CondiLog:

The Rev. Anthony L. Winfield had this to say in reaction to Condi being awarded the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms “Gun Rights Defender of the Month” award:

“Dr. Rice knows how important the individual Second Amendment is to minority Americans, especially black Americans, and she has articulated this in a most outstanding manner. She is a distinguished Christian woman of sterling character and her outspoken courage in defending our traditional freedoms certainly makes her a worthy candidate for this Award.”​

What a Red herring. Two disciples of Saul Alinsky (look him up sometime) are the voices of the radical left who will let us check our shotguns out of polilce lockers for hunting season. These are also the voices of the Democrat Party.

The difference between parties? The difference between socialist tyranny and freedom, that's all.


The U.S. may eventually TRY to follow those countries in RKBA, there's no way it can succeed though.

model70fan, I have to disagree with you. If you want to know why, all you have to do is browse this forum or any other pro-gun forum and read some comments on important issues made by the posters. Many people on this forum and others who you would expect are pro-2nd amendment, actually have views which are very similar to the anti-gun crowd.

If you expect these types of people to defend your right to bear arms, when it is doubtful they will defend their own right to bare arms.... well, you may be attributing more courage and intelligence to them than I am willing to.
Condi is just the puppet for the failed Bush Iraq debacle. She will babble anything to support the illusion of an Iraqi government.

But, don't forget George and Alberto supporting the AWB.