Arms and ammo 'Art' display in New York City busted...


New member
Arms and ammo 'Art' display in New York City busted...

NEW YORK (Reuters) - The debate on what is art in New York City gained momentum Thursday with the arraignment of a prominent Fifth Avenue art dealer who put on display arms and ammunition saying it was "a work of art."
Mary Boone, a celebrity gallery owner considered a trendsetter in the modern art world, was charged with the disposal of live ammunition and possession of an exposed rifle, which she said were all part of a sculptor's show called "Cultural Prosthetics."

"As far as I'm concerned, this is an outrageous attack on ... artists' right to express themselves. This is a First Amendment issue. This is a work of art," Boone told reporters after her release from jail.

Boone's arrest comes the same day the city filed a suit seeking the eviction of the Brooklyn Museum from a city-owned building because of an art show that includes an elephant dung-stained portrait of the Virgin Mary that has enraged Mayor Rudolf Giuliani and some Roman Catholic groups.

Police said they recovered 234 live rounds of 9mm ammunition cartridges from a glass vase at Boone's Fifth Avenue gallery. Police said they found four double-barreled shotguns -- two of which were operable.

Ron Warren, a gallery spokesman, said the bullets were a commentary on popular culture. He said that having the bullets in a candy bowl was like saying "bullets are as casual as a piece of candy."

Boone, 47, faces a $1,000 fine or up to one year in jail on each of the violations. She also faces a $50 fine or 30 days in jail for failing to properly secure two operable rifles on display.


Joe's Second Amendment Message Board
That is truly bizarre. First amendment issue? Try Second. Of course, our courts would be more likely to find that the First am protects guns and ammo, than the Second, so whatever works...

Let's see, she was charged with the hideous crime of "possession of exposed rifle". Hmmm, so if your rifle's wearing clothes, it's OK? Of course, this art dealer would have been left alone if the ammo and rifle were lying in some elephant dung.

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited October 01, 1999).]
so i guess my idea of painting ARs with famous art works and doing a gallery of art on the rifle would not fly?

maybe i can have pictures of the guns...

Now would be a good time to point out to those pro-first/anti-second folks how you can't have one without the other.
the things people goverments and lawyers come up with its rediculious
